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Postby Zaaphod » Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:17 am

And in classic DC fashion the topic veers off-course into car racing. :P
Made by Angela. :D

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Postby Ibun » Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:19 am

There is nothing exciting about watching people DRIVE A CAR.
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Postby optiMITCHprime » Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:26 am

all sports comments aside, I don't believe we should mourn. It's not that I don't like the strip, It's just that I believe that It's had a good run. A REALLY good run, but as we all know, all good things must come to an end. And once it's ended we'll still be here and so will our beloved characters that tickled our fancies on an almost daily basis. Not to mention that 'Simpson will still be here, dabbling, experimenting here and there, who knows what he'll think of next. So when it does finally end, we'll all (verbally) pat him on the back, give him our "good job"'s and our "good luck"'s and then all will be well with the world.

... and the beat goes on
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Postby Quexinos » Fri Apr 25, 2008 3:01 am

I don't think comic strips, or creative projects in general, ought to continue long after the creator has mentally moved on, and it's always tragic when they do ("Peanuts," "The Simpsons"). I always said I'd know when it was time for me to move on. I'm afraid that time is fast approaching.
Mad props to him for this. There are so many people out there who milk their products and they end up being not what they used to be. I've noticed Ozy and Millie declining a little bit here and there and I'm very glad to know that he sees it too. I would have far more respect for him if he were to move on and find his calling than to deliver a sub par comic strip two of three times a week.

I wish him good luck, I'm sure he'll do great in whatever he chooses.
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Tom Flapwell
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Postby Tom Flapwell » Fri Apr 25, 2008 3:34 am

I felt a little panicked back in 2004 when DCS said that O&M was "aging." I'm glad to have gotten the warning about four years in advance of the finale, because that makes the ending easier to accept.

Also... does this mean that one or more of DCS's planned other comics will finally launch this year?
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Kyler Thatch
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Postby Kyler Thatch » Fri Apr 25, 2008 3:47 am

all sports comments aside, I don't believe we should mourn. It's not that I don't like the strip, It's just that I believe that It's had a good run. A REALLY good run, but as we all know, all good things must come to an end. And once it's ended we'll still be here and so will our beloved characters that tickled our fancies on an almost daily basis. Not to mention that 'Simpson will still be here, dabbling, experimenting here and there, who knows what he'll think of next. So when it does finally end, we'll all (verbally) pat him on the back, give him our "good job"'s and our "good luck"'s and then all will be well with the world.

... and the beat goes on
For that exact reason, I'm almost happy to see it end. Of course, I'll still miss the comic sometimes, which is why I say "almost".
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Postby VenM2 » Fri Apr 25, 2008 4:02 am

I'll miss tuning in every morning to O&M to see the next part of the story. Just that much more motivated to buy the last of the books.

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Postby gen200 » Fri Apr 25, 2008 4:42 am

It's sad, but in a good way.

I remember when I first laid eyes on an Ozy and Millie strip. It was early '05 and someone (I don't remember who) had posted a strip on a forum I used to be a regular at. I read the entire archive in one sitting.

I'm sad to see it go, but it's ending in a good place...

It was my first webcomic, too...
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Postby Foxhound » Fri Apr 25, 2008 6:59 am

If anything, it's better for the strip to have a proper ending. I'll miss it like hell, of course, but then, consider the alternatives:

A: the comic goes on forever and ever and ever (a la Garfield). It gets predictable and boring. Unless DCS can pull off what Schultz did, this won't work.

B: The comic just stops randomly. Fans get angered and leave. Also not good.

So, a true ending's probably for the best...although I do sincerely hope the O&M cast get revisited.
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Postby The Vanishing Hitchhiker » Fri Apr 25, 2008 7:48 am

Righto, time for a "The More You Know" image macro.

Peanuts is actually a good example of a work that always had the author fully and solely involved. Charles Schulz wrote, drew, penciled, inked, and lettered every panel of every strip of that comic himself, even as he got older and his lines started to get a little wiggly. A lot of comics these days have employees to write, pencil, ink, letter, whatever - *cough*PAWS, Inc.*cough*. Not Peanuts though. Schulz was the only man who did that strip until poor health forced his retirement.

And most other comic strips with 50+ years in the newspapers? Once the old artist or author or whatever gets old, or quits, or dies, someone else takes over. That's why we still have old strips like Blondie and Hagar the Horrible and Beetle Bailey. But the "classic" Peanuts comics you find in the papers now? Reruns of old comics. All done entirely by Charles Schulz. No one else took it over. He said he didn't want that.

So, in conclusion, I know way too much about entirely random things. And I do actually like Garfield, but that's probably Lorenzo Music's fault...

Uh... and knowing is half the battle! G.I. Joe!
could it be that she was the sister of the boy in Kansas who loved the girl with the tattered shawl who was the daughter of the maid who had escaped from the pirates?

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Postby Quexinos » Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:06 am

I just wrote DC this email. I hope he likes it
Hello good sir, I'm writing to you in regards to your Ozy and Millie comic. I noticed it had been slowing down recently, so it didn't surprise me when I saw your most recent message.

First and foremost, I want to thank you because Ozy and Millie, all though it's had its ups and downs, has always been a joy to read.

Second of all, I wanted to wish you good luck on whatever it is you decide to do after you finish the comic. I'm sure you'll enjoy whatever it is.

Third of all, I want you to know that I think you're making the right decision. I have noticed a slight decline in Ozy and Millie comics lately. I especially noticed it most recently in the story where Millie actually hit Jeremy and was the one to get in trouble. I really thought that story had a great build up, but to be honest, it feel flat in the end. I was very disappointed that all Millie got out of the deal was some cake. Not that cake isn't good, it is. But it seemed to be missing something. Now I don't know if you had anything else planned for the future of Millie and Jeremy, and I certainly wouldn't question whatever it is you decided on, but I was slightly puzzled when you took that route.

This is in no way meant to insult you or say what I think you should have done. Rather I commend you, good sir, because unlike the creator of the Simsons, Peanuts, Garfield and others, you truly care for your work. You truly love your characters enough to NOT let them grow stale. I'll be sad to see the comic go, but I'm incredibly grateful that you're able to do so in a timely manner and truthfully, I also think it's time.

Ozy and Millie is by no means "bad" or boring or anything of the like, but as I said, I have noticed a slight decline. I'll still read it until the end, but I just want to thank you for a great comic and for making the right decision. I'll be sad when it's gone, but I'll have so many great comics to look back on which can not be said for a lot of comics out there today.

So thank you, and good luck to you.
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Postby GeorgiaCoyote » Fri Apr 25, 2008 1:25 pm

Well all things must come to an end at sometime. Makes me a little sad that I got into this strip so late in the game. Still it's been a fun ride. I have great respect for DC and all he's accomplished with this and I hope that whatever he moves onto next...he is successful. I had a feeling this was why the updates were slowing down and I fully understand where he's coming from. He feels the time to move on is near and hey...who better to decide that than himself. Thanks abuch DC.

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Simba Cub
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Postby Simba Cub » Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:30 pm

Aww hell no! I'm addicted to O&M!


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Postby BladeRaptor » Fri Apr 25, 2008 3:28 pm

It's sad, but in a good way.

I remember when I first laid eyes on an Ozy and Millie strip. It was early '05 and someone (I don't remember who) had posted a strip on a forum I used to be a regular at. I read the entire archive in one sitting.

I'm sad to see it go, but it's ending in a good place...

It was my first webcomic, too...
This was the first webcomic I ever really got into, going on my initial archive binge in early 2007 after following a link to this strip.

Well, it's been fun while it lasted. Good job, DCS.
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Postby Rikirk » Fri Apr 25, 2008 5:17 pm

I do hope after the series DS revisits the characters occasionally...

Ill admit being without O and M will be a bit difficult, but as is the consensus...It is better to go out on a high note.

I guess i can look forward to cameos and maybe spin offs...ah heck I'm just sad to hear its ending.
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