Jan 26: Andy, did you hear about this one?

Discussion of any of the archived O&M comics, and potential new ones should they ever come about.


Luke B.
Joined:Tue Jul 04, 2006 1:20 am

Postby Luke B. » Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:28 pm

Ah, but here's the question - is he wearing pj *pants* with his pj's? :-P

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Tom Flapwell
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Postby Tom Flapwell » Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:34 pm

We've seen him with PJ pants (the "Mrs. Calvin Coolidge" strip), and we've seen him with another shirt (right before his winter coat decimated it).
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Dr. Doog
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Postby Dr. Doog » Sun Jan 28, 2007 12:01 am

yeah, it's actually pretty common.:
pants jesus
DCS should've ended the comic a year or two ago.

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Kyler Thatch
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Postby Kyler Thatch » Sun Jan 28, 2007 11:32 pm

Now I'm never gonna get Man on the Moon out of my head.
Okay, NOW I get it. Dang, that took a while.
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Postby dfeuer » Mon Jan 29, 2007 7:37 am

Now I'm never gonna get Man on the Moon out of my head.
Okay, NOW I get it. Dang, that took a while.
I still don't. Guess it'd help to know Man on the Moon. I was curious what Ozy and Llewellyn are eating in the strip. Cereal would be appropriate, but it looks more like scrambled eggs or oatmeal or something.+0

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Steve the Pocket
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Postby Steve the Pocket » Mon Jan 29, 2007 3:47 pm

Now I'm never gonna get Man on the Moon out of my head.
Okay, NOW I get it. Dang, that took a while.
I still don't. Guess it'd help to know Man on the Moon.
"Andy, did you hear about this one?" is a line from "Man on the Moon" by REM. I had to look that up. I was going to guess it was a catch phrase from "The Andy Griffith Show" or maybe "Amos and Andy." Both of which were before Simpson's time, but he's referenced the Marx Brothers before too.%

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Tom Flapwell
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Postby Tom Flapwell » Mon Jan 29, 2007 5:14 pm

I knew the reference (it helps to have seen a misheard lyric in which "this one" becomes "the swan") and was glad to see another cleverish O&M title. But does anyone know what exactly the man on the moon has to do with Andy Kaufman? The movie didn't explain it, either.
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Postby IceDragon » Thu Feb 01, 2007 4:07 pm

"Andy, did you hear about this one?" is a line from "Man on the Moon" by REM. I had to look that up. I was going to guess it was a catch phrase from "The Andy Griffith Show" or maybe "Amos and Andy." Both of which were before Simpson's time, but he's referenced the Marx Brothers before too.
No, that's not right. "Man on the Moon" is a song about the late comedian Andy Kaufman. The line "Andy did you hear about this one" I think is a reference to the fact that when he was dying, many people thought it was a joke, and I think there are some people who think Kaufman is not dead, but hanging out with Elvis or something like that.=

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Postby charliebonce » Fri Feb 02, 2007 6:56 am

Sleepback at Evergreen, a few friends got together to drink mat

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