The United States 2008 Presidential Election

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Postby Caoimhin » Wed Nov 05, 2008 12:18 am

I don't have much time, to be honest I'm only allowed on right now because its about the election :P . I wish I could read all the responses. Just for a summary: I voted for Obama.

I just voted for the first time today. I voted for Obama, I agree with Arloest he is the change we need. Many people feel when he says he'd pull the troops out of Iraq is that its going to be spontaneous. Its obvious this would be a stupid thing to do, and saying that he will is an ignorant statement. All he is saying is that he will set up a timetable for total withdrawal, something Bush failed to do. Its time to face the fact and suck it up like we did in Vietnam. We didn't leave with "honour" as promised, but in this case there is a strength in character of the U.S by finally withdrawing. In fact that isn't even a factor we're already disgraced (and I say "we" in the most loose way as possible). We should have left after we were done, honestly the damage is already done.
Health care is also a rather important factor in my decision. Considering the anomynous nature of the internet I feel its safe to say that my family is not exactly in the best of shape. Linens n' Things, the company my Dad worked for, has gone out of business and they will finally shut its doors in December. For sometime my family may not have health insurance. Obama is taking one step forward in the right direction by enacting plans to make insurance more available by regulating these companies. He is not going to create a socialized medicine (the U.S is not ready for it, but I greatly hope that in the distant future we will have it). Regulation is the key, unlike McCain he had the courage to state that health care was a RIGHT. We have the right to the pursuit of happiness and how can we be happy if we're denied the services that allow us to keep healthy? I have gone to the dentist only about three times in my eighteen years. I never really need it, but I was lucky. I have had a chipped front tooth for the past seven years. LUCKILY nothing else has happened to it. But I have to be careful, the edge is still sharp, and if I bite down hard enough on my tongue or through an accident bite down hard I could loose the tip of my tongue. This may not seem like a big deal, but just the tip being cut off your tongue can cause you to develop a speech impediment which I already have. I would be able to convey less than I already can, effectively I could become totally unintelligable. My sister has two teeth growing in the same spot, a relatively common problem, I had the same problem as well, but I never had it pulled because the insurance would not cover enough of the cost. I was rough-housing and I got knocked against a door frame and it fell out. My sister hasn't got it out as well because insurance companies are not willing to pay more of the cost, even though as dental issues go its not a hard problem to fix (and not nearly as expensive as some of the procedure). I have rather large gaps between my teeth, they never gave me any real trouble, but perhaps the gaps between my teeth cause sound variations that occur when I speak causing speech impediments. I could benefit from braces, but they are too expensive in the first place, and to be honest they are a rather cosmetic issue, nobody likes to have gaps between their teeth :roll: . Obama is not out to get rid of the companies, but recognizes that the government needs to provide more for people who can't afford it and if they can make sure they don't get cheated by their insurance companies. If you don't like these personal details and consider them insignificant or small nuisances, go talk to Joe the Plumber, I'm sure he'd have anecdotes you'd prefer. Furthermore, protecting people's health make people more productive. If someone is out of a job because of an injury but their insurance won't pay for it or they can't afford it are you going to call them lazy? Are they taking advantage of the system by collecting government checks when their government won't pay so they can get back INTO the workforce?It is in our nations interest to keep the workers healthy and happy, this isn't socialist speak. It's common sense. Sure there are people who will take advantage of the system, there ALREADY are. Nothings going to change. I have to eat dinner now :-P .

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Postby Mista_B » Wed Nov 05, 2008 12:43 am

"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts." <br>-- Bertrand Russell

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Postby Svix » Wed Nov 05, 2008 12:55 am

Hope this hasn't been posted already

Happy voting :]

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Postby Fritz » Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:10 am


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Postby Mista_B » Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:11 am

"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts." <br>-- Bertrand Russell

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Postby GeorgiaCoyote » Wed Nov 05, 2008 1:23 pm

First off I have to say I am greatly relieved that this election didn't end up like the 2000 one with recounts and uncertainty. Obama turned out to be the clear cut favorite both in popular vote as well as the electoral college vote. I did cast my vote for McCain mainly because of his experience, especially in the military. I'm a disappointed that he lost...of course I am. Yet at the same time I am so proud and happy for this country and the history it has made with this election. Now I look forward to Obama proving me, and anyone else who voted against him because of lack of experience, wrong. There's no doubt that he'll face major challenges. Maybe even attempts on his life though I think that radical element is a very small minority. As promised, I'll stand behind the Obama presidency and praise what needs to be praised as well as criticize what needs to be criticized. I was greatly moved by both McCain's concession speech as well as Obama's acceptance speech. Yes it got real ugly between these two as most times happens in these elections. Still both these men are truly decent individuals and you can beleive when McCain says he'll help Obama unite this country, he means it. I'm still kinda overwemled by the history of this moment. Eventhough I didn't vote for him...I'm glad to see this come to pass in my lifetime. This could be a real interesting next four years to come. Let's hope that it is a sight better than the last 4-8 years. I still say we need to be vigilant for 2009. If recent history has shown us anything, it's that Al Queda likes to strike on the first year of new presidents. Just as I was wrong about the elections being too close, so too do I hope that I'm wrong about this as well. Only time will tell. Well in a nutshell...I'm glad it is finally over. Well I wish I could say it's all finally over but the senate race in my state of Georgia is still to close to call. We may very well face a run-off election though I suspect that won't be the case. Still I've been wrong before. Take care ya'll.

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Postby nickspoon » Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:07 pm

I don't know what to think of America now. On the one hand, they voted for Obama, which seems to me like a very smart and progressive choice.

On the other hand, proposition 8 has passed in California.
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Postby Doc Sigma » Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:12 pm

proposition 8 has passed in California. way. That SUCKS. :(

Massachusetts questions went thusly:

Question 1 (eliminate the state income tax) did not pass. I voted yes.

Question 2 (decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana) passed. I voted yes.

Question 3 (ban greyhound racing in the state) passed. I voted no.

Question 1, meh, I knew it'd never pass. Question 2, yay, I thought it'd never pass. Question 3 just PISSES ME OFF for so many reasons.

(there was a question 4 that nobody cared about, I don't even remember what it was about, I voted yes, nobody is reporting on whether or not it passed because nobody cares about it)

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Postby nickspoon » Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:10 pm

Income tax I can understand, I'm very surprised (and pleased) that the marijuana law passed, and as for question 3, I have nothing against greyhound racing provided the animals involved are treated humanely; when greyhound racing was popular here there were so many cases when the animals were treated very poorly indeed. Why does it annoy you especially?
If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place. (Revelation 2:5, NIV)
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Postby GeorgiaCoyote » Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:12 pm

proposition 8 has passed in California. way. That SUCKS. :(

Massachusetts questions went thusly:

Question 1 (eliminate the state income tax) did not pass. I voted yes.

Question 2 (decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana) passed. I voted yes.

Question 3 (ban greyhound racing in the state) passed. I voted no.

Question 1, meh, I knew it'd never pass. Question 2, yay, I thought it'd never pass. Question 3 just PISSES ME OFF for so many reasons.

(there was a question 4 that nobody cared about, I don't even remember what it was about, I voted yes, nobody is reporting on whether or not it passed because nobody cares about it)
Geez I feel deprived now. Our state didn't have any questions like that on the ballot, not even a socially charged one. I had boring ballots this year. Well now I know where to go to smoke a little weed at least.

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Postby osprey » Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:47 pm

proposition 8 has passed in California. way. That SUCKS. :(

Massachusetts questions went thusly:

Question 1 (eliminate the state income tax) did not pass. I voted yes.

Question 2 (decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana) passed. I voted yes.

Question 3 (ban greyhound racing in the state) passed. I voted no.

Question 1, meh, I knew it'd never pass. Question 2, yay, I thought it'd never pass. Question 3 just PISSES ME OFF for so many reasons.

(there was a question 4 that nobody cared about, I don't even remember what it was about, I voted yes, nobody is reporting on whether or not it passed because nobody cares about it)
Why the pants has #2 passed there and not here??? >:(
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Postby Bocaj Claw » Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:22 pm

We didn't even have any drug proposals on my ballot.
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Postby datherman » Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:50 pm

Yeah, the Georgia ones were pretty much 3 questions all asking "should we tax SO-AND-SO less?"

Not nearly as interesting.
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Postby Arloest » Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:19 am

Texas didn't have ANY propositions or questions.
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Postby lastwyvern » Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:02 pm

Obama won.

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