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Everyone's suposed to get one...

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 12:50 am
by LewisTheTank
...So who gave you yours?
IF you can find it, c/p it like so:
I know you're not entirely new, but I'm gonna give you this anyway: Image

It's a mandatory certificate that we give out to everybody, so don't start thinking you're special because you got one. It's nice to see somebody new, though. welcome to the forums! :grin:
Display it proudly peeps (and non-peeps!)

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 2:12 am
by Ibun
I was around before that stupid shit started happening.

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 3:39 am
by osprey
YA GUYS jeff is such an oldie. You greybeard.

I took the liberty of making the image smaller for a better fit on the page. Also it's in .jpg format.

You're all welcome to reuse the image link for this coupon in future welcomeing threads.

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 5:30 am
by Arloest
Yeah I joined before all that mess as well.

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 6:29 am
by Æron
I messed myself.

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 3:18 pm
by Dr. Doog
For a while, I was in charge of handing these out. I don't think it's only been going on since 2007, though. I don't remember the copy I printed out and taped to my PC having the "copyright 2007" thing. I also insisted on using the old URL even after we switched to the .net

oh, and this isn't a game. purpose of "forum games" board is simply so that we can make a billion posts in 1 day and not get our postcount increased.

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 3:40 pm
by simon
I think I deleted my first thread, but I did get one in it

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 6:37 pm
by nickspoon
I don't think I ever started an Airport thread.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:29 am
by LewisTheTank
Well gee, at least I tried!
So sorry Doog Dr...
...I mean Dr. Doog!

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 9:52 am
by Chris
I got that coupon, I even updated it but it's unused. :P

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 12:21 pm
by GeorgiaCoyote
It took a bit of deep searching but I finally found it:
It's mandatory that we offer these in case you require the services, click for a printable:
Wow this year is going by fast.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 2:06 am
by osprey
For a while, I was in charge of handing these out. I don't think it's only been going on since 2007, though. I don't remember the copy I printed out and taped to my PC having the "copyright 2007" thing. I also insisted on using the old URL even after we switched to the .net

oh, and this isn't a game. purpose of "forum games" board is simply so that we can make a billion posts in 1 day and not get our postcount increased.
If you look at mine, it says Copyright 2005. And I got mine in 2006.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 2:18 am
by Mista_B

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 2:55 am
by gforce422
For a while, I was in charge of handing these out. I don't think it's only been going on since 2007, though. I don't remember the copy I printed out and taped to my PC having the "copyright 2007" thing. I also insisted on using the old URL even after we switched to the .net
Editing it was entirely my fault, because I thought you had LEFT FOREVAR :D


Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 5:32 am
by Doc Sigma
in b4 fbi

*cough* Anyway, I found mine with no problem... I just did "Find all posts by this user" and clicked the oldest one. My first post was my Airport thread! And, ooh, it was on 24 October 2006, so I'm coming up on my two-year DCversary, yay!

My introductory thread. I was really happy that it reached TWO full pages.

My coupon was provided to me by none other than our very own Dr. Doog:
now I don't have to worry about not talking to you :wag:

It's mandatory that we offer these in case you require the services, click for a printable:
And, my favorite post in the thread:
Damn you, Doc, quit seducing me! >:@