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Bonjur, I'm new.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:09 pm
by CptRaccoon
Bonjur, someone call me, I shuold writte hier ähhm I mean here somethings. Because you can welcome me.

god aften (Dansk).

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:21 pm
by CameronCN
Welcome, and I look forward to decoding your contributions to our discussions! :grin:

(You are very hard to understand, I'm afraid. We used to have a couple of people around here who could speak German, but I don't think I've seen them for a while...)

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:29 pm
by CptRaccoon
OKay, but i don't like german, it's a rember on the stupid folk of germany. They thinking don't well.

What erver, I mußt lern english very good for my journey to the land of freedom and conflicts.

I think I life my live wrong. But if I am in the continent of my inspiration, I can be free. Maiby I shuold become a Tramper, what do you think?

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:40 pm
by CameronCN
the land of freedom and conflicts.
That's the funniest thing I've heard all day! :D ('Conflicts' means 'fights.')

What's a Tramper? You mean a tramp? I don't think being a homeless wanderer sounds very appealing to me... :?
Okay, first English lesson! ß Isn't a letter in English! I don't even know what sound it makes. :grin:

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:47 pm
by nickspoon
Okay, first English lesson! ß Isn't a letter in English! I don't even know what sound it makes. :grin:
It's an ess-tzet. It makes a 'ss' sound.

Wilkommen ins das Forum. (My German is worse than your English, don't worry)

Wo ist mein Handy? Ich habe mein Handy verloren.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:52 pm
by CptRaccoon
ß sounds s in german has a very importen fundamental.
I can't explain that very well but I write mußt with ß because in german is must mußt. What inkorekt is, in new german must ist musst or müssen, but I like the oldgerman mit the ß. It's a very funny letters wich is a verry german letters. and wenn you read this mußt you know ß sounds like s.

A tramp right. Waths so nice on a homeless life, it's for me but a life long is it a very bad thing. Have you read "The hitchhikers guide to the galaxis" by "Douglas Adams"?

I will learnd the baker work. What this is not that what realy my mine is. I'm An artist, a philosopher, it may have to talk about his feelings evry time.

The biggest problem of my life is in fact very simpel.
I haven't be in love in my history, but i like to be it in the futer time after time, but in the time
As inside 'time after time' I want to be single me whole life. All the other problems come and i be in a "career beginings next crises". And somethimes I don't know what I talk to the people i talk nonsense, what many people makes very angree.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:55 pm
by CptRaccoon
Okay, first English lesson! ß Isn't a letter in English! I don't even know what sound it makes. :grin:
It's an ess-tzet. It makes a 'ss' sound.
Hey english people don't know how sounds ss.

Und asuerdem ein ss komtm nach einem schnellen elbstlaut und ß nach einem langen selbstlaut also von de ausprache her. Nicht wirklich ein akzent mehr eine art schwachsiniges witziges ding.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:36 pm
by Baconsticks

What's your native language? Weil ich Deutsches sprechen kann.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:02 pm
by gforce422
Hello there, CptRaccoon! Welcome to the Define Cynical forums. I hope your stay will be pleasant and enjoyable. Please enjoy a complimentary slice of chocolate cake.
Also, your comment about America being the "land of freedom and conflicts" is pretty accurate. :)
Below is the German translation from an internet source. We'll see how it turned out. If you understand it, yay! If not, well, then we'll all have a good laugh about how poorly it sounds. Have a good day!

Hallo dort, CptRaccoon! Heißen Sie willkommen zum Definiert Zynische Foren. Ich hoffe, dass Ihr Aufenthalt angenehm und erfreulich sein wird. Bitte genießen Sie eine Freischeibe des Schokoladenkuchens. Auch Ihre Bemerkung ungefähr ist Amerika „das Land von Freiheit und Konflikten“ ist ziemlich genau. :) Unten ist die deutsche Übersetzung von einer Internetquelle. Wir werden sehen, wie es sich herausgestellt hat. Wenn Sie es verstehen, yay! Wenn nicht gut dann werden wir alle ein gut Lachen haben, um wie schlecht es ertönt. Haben Sie einen guten Tag!

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 11:05 pm
by Ibun
Germany makes some kickass music though.

Welcome to Define Cynical.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 11:05 pm
by klimt

your English takes some effort to read, but is understandable.

A tramp right. Waths so nice on a homeless life, it's for me but a life long is it a very bad thing. Have you read "The hitchhikers guide to the galaxis" by "Douglas Adams"? "

that is similar to me saying it would be a nice life as a ww2 pilot. have you read "Stuka Pilot" by Rudel.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 11:27 pm
by Hyperion
Welcome to the forum. And yes Ibun, yes it does.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:05 am
by Rievan
Greetings to you. I do hope that you will have fun.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:20 am
by Southern Gentleman
OKay, but i don't like german, it's a rember on the stupid folk of germany. They thinking don't well.

What erver, I mußt lern english very good for my journey to the land of freedom and conflicts.

I think I life my live wrong. But if I am in the continent of my inspiration, I can be free. Maiby I shuold become a Tramper, what do you think?
What a condescendence, I’m an American that wants to be in Germany.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:24 am
by CameronCN
What a condescendence, I’m an American that wants to be in Germany.
But WHY? I just read a chart this morning that showed that Germans pay more taxes than everyone else. For an average single workman, 43% of everything. FORTY THREE PER CENT.