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Re: Throat surgery on Friday

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 8:22 am
by MuffinSticks
Now that you're a robot we can rip you into pieces and share you without there being too much blood.

Re: Re:

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:20 pm
by cougartiger
Yikes! You went home an hour later? I went home over two days later... I guess mine was a bit more serious... or I almost died or something. I did have more stuff done, though (they also took out my adenoids, and reduced my nasal turbinates, and fixed my deviated septum, and removed some wart-like thing from my soft palate)...
I should clarify, they sent me home an hour after I had the ice cream, not the surgery. I can't remember the exact time I went in but it was early morning and they sent me home late afternoon. So, maybe 6 or 7 hours.

I can still remember when they put the mask over my face the smell of rubber combined with the sickly sweet smell of the gas. Nasty! I went in for a procedure a few years ago and I was expecting the gas again but they just put something in my IV and I went right out. That's how I learned about modern anesthetics.
Holy... holy CRAP... I feel like a cosmic wimp now! Jesus, they didn't even give the kid some aether? No wonder he wrote such dark, twisted stories...
Yeah, explains a lot. LOL!