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A dude named Vince
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Postby A dude named Vince » Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:30 am

Just wondering who here has (yep, you guessed it,) pets. And if you do, put up a picture(if you want) and a description. I have one dog, and her name is Katie. She's a Jack Russle Terrier and pretty small, and she loves to sit on me whenever I get on the computer with my legs on the desk. :smile: I will put up a picture later, when I get a hold of a camera, and a will to use it!
Like Shredder emerging from the ooze, I've returned for a while!
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Comrade K
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Postby Comrade K » Wed Aug 01, 2007 3:48 am

This seems like a good opportunity to show the list. These aren't all pets I have now, but I like to name them off to people once in a while.

Pets I had before: (Up til recently, we usually had 3 dogs at any one time.)

Mark - Part Golden Retriever part whatever else.
Got him from people who were movie to the city. He was dense.

Dakota- Part Newfoundland part Labrador. (I always loved that combination.) Received as a puppy. We had her since before I was born, she was a totally friendly fat goof.

Tamarack- Siberian Husky. He just showed up as a stray on our property one day. Beautiful dog, but he was really nervous at first. Very protective, but not aggressive.

The Cat- A cat. Got him from the neighbours, didn't have him long, as one of the dogs scared him away.

Mr. Timmins- Husky. Was the "company" dog, where a mining company had it's office. We didn't have him long, as he had got into poison of some form while still at the office, though he was around long enough to scare the cat away. Very docile.

Tessie- Husky. Got her from the pound. Very exciteable and hyperactive dog, again we didn't have her long. She went to the neighbour's, jumped the 6 foot high chicken coop and slaughtered 16 of their chickens. We couldn't keep her after that, so she became someone else's problem.

Shannon- Border Collie mix. Got her at the same time as Tessie. A somewhat daft dog, but quite amusing. Friendly and playful, she was fun. She had a litter of puppies too.

Link- Border Collie/Chow/Samoyed/?. One of Shannon's pups that we kept. A tremendously fat dog, that did next to nothing all day (can't blame him, he had epilepsy, so he was always medicated). Completely non-aggressive.

The 2 dogs I have now:

Sarah- Link's sister. A giant black fluff ball. She's independent and somewhat grumpy. Doesn't understand "play", and doesn't take crap from Atticus, my other dog.


Atticus- Pure Border Collie- Annoying and energetic are understatements. He never runs out of energy, or ways to harass you until you play with him. He's really intelligent and demands lots of attention, which can't be said of any of the other dogs I've had.


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Postby Æron » Wed Aug 01, 2007 7:08 am

The pets that I have right now are all birds. I don't have any pics of them to put up right now, but I should be able to get some soon.

Sidney-- Male cockatiel. Likes the color yellow and has a pathological fear of balloons. Can do a fairly good wolf whistle.

Cindy-- Female cockatiel. Has a penchant for destruction. Especially enjoys shredding anything made of paper or wood.

Both cockatiels are very personable and extremely energetic. They don't like each other all that much, but they LOVE people. They love riding on my shoulders as I do mundane tasks around the house.

The Finches-- Two society finches. Enjoy bathing in their water dish.

Previous Pets:

Annie-- Cat. Always left "gifts" on our front doorstep. Gifts usually included various decapitated rabbits and ground squirrels. :roll:

Andy-- Rat/Fox terrier cross. Of all the pets I've had in the past, I miss Andy the most. He was a friendly little dog and had a lot of energy. He would alway nose his way under the blankets of my bed and curl up beside me at night.

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Postby Rooster » Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:03 pm

A hampster called Enrique, and I used to have a dog called Pedi

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Tom Flapwell
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Postby Tom Flapwell » Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:53 pm

:shock: Sarah should be called Scarah.

I have a cat named Millie. I did not choose the name in honor of Millicent Mudd -- this was 19 years ago. So yes, she's very old now. It's also debatable whether I still "have" her, since I moved out of the house where she lives with my parents and sister.

I now live in the basement of a house that recently got two kittens named June and July. June seems to regard me as family.
See other much-maligned creatures in my webcomic:

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Postby jent » Wed Aug 01, 2007 4:47 pm

Here is my lab:

i <3 her so much ^.^

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Postby Angstwolf » Wed Aug 01, 2007 5:07 pm

Cat, Rusty; cat, Tequila (or Kilo for short); dog, Missy.

Pictures maybe later when I feel like it. D:

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Postby CameronCN » Wed Aug 01, 2007 5:18 pm

I usually think of myself as a no-pet person, but now that I think about it, we've actually had quite a few.
We used to have a gigantic purebred Bernese mountain dog, but he drove us crazy (plus my little brother was petrified of him and never got over it), so we gave him away. Then we had two horses, a mare and her filly, but they were untrained for riding, so when our horse trainer broke his hip and swore off horses, we had to sell those too. So we figured we just weren't pet people, and made do with all the mother deer that consider our front lawn the ideal place to come with fawns. We don't hunt, and our lawn consists of a couple of acres of mowed grass and open field. They come right up next to the house, and once a mother even left her fawn on our lawn alone for hours while she was off somewhere. But as of this morning, my sister has finally gotten her desire to get two kittens. We'll see how that works out. :)
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-Because he has an artistic style that is both complex and minimalist. This is profound!
-He once drew me as a roadrunner. It was an actual honest to god feral roadrunner, but a roadrunner nonetheless!
-He lives in Idaho among the wilderness and stuff and I envy him for that. 3:
-He is probably one of the most personable artists on here.
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Postby Caoimhin » Wed Aug 01, 2007 6:35 pm

He never runs out of energy, or ways to harass you until you play with him. He's really intelligent and demands lots of attention, which can't be said of any of the other dogs I've had.
Sounds like my dog Sparky, he understands full sentences :-P . Well I have two dogs Biscuit and Sparky they're brother and sister and are only two years old. They're mutts, but they don't even look remotely alike. Biscuit resembles a Border collie but has an all black face, she has a spotted med-long coat as well. Her ears are naturally slightly lopsided. She can be described as tempermental and sometimes just sits there sulking. But when she decides to turn on the cute... Damn, its hard not to pet her... Or give her food... She's highly intelligent but Sparky tends to be more out front. She gets jealous of anything that Sparky pays more attention to than her. Biscuit tends to be very sarcastic in manner its really cute when she does that ^_^ . She can imitate Sparky's deep bark, and Sparky can imitate hers. They both have high pitched and low pitched barks for certain situations.

Sparky is a sable colored mutt with no spots and short-med hair (you can picture the difference already). He is extremely talkative to the point of actually responding to what you're saying (he's talked back a few times). If he needs something he'll generally figure out a way to tell you, showing him to be very intelligent. He understands full sentences and various key words and phrases. He is the complete opposite of Biscuit who doesn't like to be cuddled much, as long as he can sit with someone its ok (even if he is curled up to half his size). He's gotten into the habit of asking to be pet specifically and will make whiny barks if I stop. He also considers anything larger than a hamster prey, he goes out and 'plays' with the voles in my backyard (we all know how that ends). He actually gets worried when we dig up the ground because his 'friends' are down there. He also has an active imagination and actually stalks things that aren't there (or do very strange things like rubbing his muzzle in mud like warpaint, and he completely ignores Biscuit who is very jealous). He has two toys that are his 'babies' and doesn't chew them rather he grooms them by gently nibbling with the tip of his teeth (a surprising feat if you've ever seen his teeth!). Biscuit actually picks them up and does that head shaking thing that dogs do with their prey to upset him. This started when he adopted a potatoe and she became jealous, so she started ripping up his pets. After a while he set up a decoy potatoe and had two with him at all times.

Biscuit weighs about 70lb. and is extremely light on her paws. Sparky is a hundred pound monster :shock: and has a completely different build from Biscuit. Their tails even contrast; Biscuit swishes... Sparky wags... thumps... breaks things (that only happened once we tend to steer his tail somewhere else if it gets too happy). Sparky loves to jump when greeting people, Biscuit used to but she has a much more subdued personality, kind of slinky and sly.

Woah, I need to stop but all I can think of is... Oh, the cuteness ^_^! I'll get pics up soon.

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Postby Fritz » Wed Aug 01, 2007 7:04 pm

I have three kitties: Felix, Oliver, and Vanilla. They're all adorable by default.

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Comrade K
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Postby Comrade K » Wed Aug 01, 2007 9:39 pm

We used to have a gigantic purebred Bernese mountain dog
I've always wanted a Bernese Mountain Dog.
Lots of words
Atticus and sparky sound similar in intelligence. Atticus has all kinds of ways of telling you what he wants. It's pretty comical sometimes. He's not too good with toys though. He likes to pull the squeekers out of them for some reason. He'll lay down and nibble along all the edges until he finds a weak point on the toy, then he works on that until he can get the squeeker.

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Dr. Doog
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Postby Dr. Doog » Wed Aug 01, 2007 10:15 pm

A hampster called Enrique, and I used to have a dog called Pedi
if you took a digital picture of the dog, it would be a pedophile.
pants jesus
DCS should've ended the comic a year or two ago.

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Postby FallenQuill » Thu Aug 02, 2007 1:02 am

I only have one pet, a dog named Link. He is half pug and half black & tan coon hound. Kinda looks like a roti pup with a tail. I will try to post a photo later if i can get hosting. He is 5 years old (we adopted him 3 years ago) and around 25 pounds. He has become extreamly protective of my wife and daughter. Not really a lap dog, he likes to lay next to you and place only his head on your lap.
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Postby klimt » Thu Aug 02, 2007 1:38 am

no pets for me. i don't have the time or energy for one right now.

growing up we had a dog, a cat, a bunch of rabbits and the occasional hamster or goldfish at one point or another though.

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Bocaj Claw
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Postby Bocaj Claw » Thu Aug 02, 2007 4:34 am

I had cats once. They all died.
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