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Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 7:26 pm
by Dr. Doog
okay, last time i was in the IRC we were thinking up names for saladman since he changes every so often. it'll take me a while to get my thing from trillian to notepad to here, so just think up names.

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 7:36 pm
by Tavis
Lettuce see how far this can go.. *groan*<br><br>Tossed Salad (For those mixed up times or times he's kicked offline)<br><br>So, a Salad walks into a Bar and... is out cold. *shrug*<br><br>Salad Plate (He's at home, you see)<br><br>Pal of Soup (or Sandwich, they go well with Salad)<br><br>Tuna Salad (Perfect for crackers)<br><br>Salad Dressing (Uh, no comment)<br>Variants: Ranch, Italian, Thousand Island, Vinagrette, Bleu Cheese (No mooning please)<br><br>Uh. I'll stop picking on the Salad for now.

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 8:11 pm
by Dr. Doog
ah, you weren't there. those are just puns, not what we were saying. here is the log i have eating away my HD while i don't know it's being made:<br><br><DraganFox> with Paris Salad<br><nose_licker> hey <br><Sabre> The facts of salad<br><Zaaphod> hello, nose_licker<br><Monarx> And Salad Ritchie<br><SabrebobSaladpants> You people are silly.<br><Monarx> The $100,000 Salad<br><Sabre> law and salad<br><nose_licker> lol <br><nose_licker> those are funny <br><SabrebobSaladpants> You silly people.<br><Monarx> Crime Salad Investigation<br><Sabre> Salad's eleven<br><Zaaphod> NYPD Salad<br><DraganFox> CSI-CrimeSaladInvestigation<br><nose_licker> salad heaven <br><Zaaphod> One Salad Hill<br><Monarx> WWE SaladDown<br><DraganFox> Saladcadia<br><nose_licker> the salads <br><Zaaphod> lol<br><Sabre> Salad calibur II<br><nose_licker> duke salad <br><Monarx> Salid the Hedgehog<br>*** SabrebobSaladpants is now known as LeaveItToSalad<br><DraganFox> Final Salad VII<br><nose_licker> salad the hedgehog <br><Sabre> Jet Grind Salad<br><nose_licker> get salad <br><DraganFox> Cowboy Salad<br><nose_licker> ozy and salad <br><Monarx> The Salad-Team<br><Sabre> Phantasy Salad online<br><nose_licker> real life salad <br><Zaaphod> Raiders of the Lost Salad<br><Monarx> Calvin and Salad<br><DraganFox> Are You Afraid of the Salad<br>*** LeaveItToSalad is now known as Playsalad<br><Sabre> The few the proud the salad<br><Zaaphod> Salad Wars<br><nose_licker> mab and dan's salad adventures <br><DraganFox> Salad of the Carribean<br><Monarx> Salute Your Salad<br><Zaaphod> Curb Your Salad<br><Monarx> Rocko's Modern Salad<br><Sabre> Salad-o-liciuos<br><nose_licker> MS-SALAD <br><DraganFox> Ren and Salad<br><Zaaphod> Salad-tacular<br><Monarx> Saladelphia<br><nose_licker> carol burnette and salad <br><Sabre> Saladitus<br><nose_licker> as told by salad O_O <br>*** Playsalad is now known as YoureOnSaladCamera<br><Sabre> lol<br><Zaaphod> Salad of Arabia<br><nose_licker> Salad's oddysey <br><Monarx> When a problem comes along, you must Salad<br><DraganFox> Salad Ball Z<br><Sabre> Salad hawks pro tosser 4<br><nose_licker> YuYu hakusalad <br><Zaaphod> Salad isn't everything, it's the only thing<br><nose_licker> salad captors <br><Sabre> Phantom Saladworks<br>*** YoureOnSaladCamera is now known as SaladTrekTheNextGeneration<br><DraganFox> SaladKenshin<br><nose_licker> besalad <br><Sabre> Salad mononoke<br><nose_licker> i love salad <br><Monarx> SaladStation II<br><DraganFox> PaintShopSalad<br><nose_licker> microsoft salad <br><Sabre> Telesalad<br><DraganFox> Define Salad<br><Sabre> Saladmon<br><Zaaphod> Microsoft Certified Salad Engineer<br><Monarx> Batsalad<br>*** SaladTrekTheNextGeneration is now known as SaladCataclysm<br><nose_licker> Salad for workgroups 3.1 (windows for workgroups 3.1) <br><Sabre> Salad snake<br><Monarx> and the boy Salad, Caesar<br><DraganFox> Julius Salad<br><Sabre> Mortal Salad 2<br><nose_licker> TV Salad <br><Sabre> Grand theft salad<br><DraganFox> Gran Salad 3<br><nose_licker> nick salad <br><DraganFox> GTA: Salad City<br><Zaaphod> Army of Salad<br><nose_licker> grand turisalad <br><Sabre> Emiril lasalad<br><nose_licker> salad salad revolution O.O <br>*** SaladCataclysm is now known as SaladEinstein<br><Sabre> The saladside<br><DraganFox> Salad Phone<br><nose_licker> Salad brothers <br><Monarx> Las Salad, Nevada<br><Sabre> The phantom salad<br><DraganFox> DelaSalad<br><nose_licker> Badly drawn Salad <br><Sabre> Saladlander<br><Zaaphod> Salad Behaving Badly<br><nose_licker> Salad all mighty <br><DraganFox> Salad W. Bush<br><DraganFox> Salad gone wild<br><nose_licker> JackSalad <br><Sabre> Unrealsalad<br><Zaaphod> Salad, James Salad<br><nose_licker> we need to put these all in DC <br><Sabre> lol<br><Monarx> Yep<br><Zaaphod> indeed<br><Sabre> The art of Salad<br><Monarx> Saladless in Seattle (A tragedy)<br><nose_licker> i have them all <br><Sabre> Saladisim<br>*** SaladEinstein is now known as Dr_5aladboFoxarxre_licker<br><nose_licker> saved due to trillian <br><DraganFox> Zen and the art of Salad repair<br><Sabre> lol<br><Sabre> Salad Fantasy 12<br><DraganFox> Saladism<br><Zaaphod> Dr. Salad<br><DraganFox> Led Salad<br><DraganFox> Salad Floyd<br><Sabre> Of men and salads<br><DraganFox> The Rolling Salad<br><Zaaphod> Rolling Salads<br><Monarx> Monty Python and the Holy Salad<br><Sabre> lol<br><Sabre> Sega Salad<br><DraganFox> Monty Python's And Now for Something Completely Salad<br><Sabre> SuperSaladbrothers melee<br><Zaaphod> Let's Make A Salad<br><DraganFox> Salad School<br><Monarx> And, of course, Monty Python and the Meaning of Salad<br><Zaaphod> The Salad Is Right<br><Monarx> The Salad is Right<br><Dr_5aladboFoxarxre_licker> Okay... ummmm... that's enough of that...<br><Zaaphod> Monty Python's The Life Of Salad<br><Dr_5aladboFoxarxre_licker> You HO.<br><Zaaphod> <!--emo&:P--><img src=' ... tongue.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tongue.gif' /><!--endemo--><br><DraganFox> my head's starting to salad...<br><Sabre> ask not what salad can do for you, but what you can do for salad<br><Zaaphod> lol<br><Sabre> e are the salads<br><Monarx> I pledge allegiance to the salad...<br><Sabre> Saladizzle<br><DraganFox> The SaladStreet Boys<br><Zaaphod> We are Salad.<br><Zaaphod> 'N Salad<br><DraganFox> Brittany Salad, Salad Timberlake<br><Sabre> McSalad<br><Dr_5aladboFoxarxre_licker> I've created a monster.<br><Sabre> slappy mcSalad<br><DraganFox> yes, you salad<br><Zaaphod> yep, Frankenstien's salad<br><Sabre> StarSalad Mccloud<br><DraganFox> Salad McSaladberg<br><Sabre> Salad, OH<br><Sabre> EXTREME SALAD<br><DraganFox> Tails the two-salad salad<br><Sabre> Salade blade<br><Zaaphod> Kill Salad<br><Sabre> Mr salads nieghborhood<br><DraganFox> Sesame Salad<br><Monarx> NSL: National Salad League<br><Sabre> KA-Salad<br><Monarx> WKRP in Saladatti<br><Sabre> lol<br><DraganFox> Welcome back Salad<br><DraganFox> the salad years<br><Sabre> Saladurn<br><Monarx> Family Salad<br><Monarx> Full Salad<br><Sabre> Behind salad eyes<br><Dr_5aladboFoxarxre_licker> Okay... I'm just gonna come back in a few hours and see if you've all got this out of your systems by then...<br><Sabre> MuchSalad<br><Monarx> Salad Eye for the Soup Guy<br><DraganFox> hahaha<br><Zaaphod> heh, I wouldn't count on it<br><Sabre> Salad christ<br><DraganFox> Black Saladth<br>*** Dr_5aladboFoxarxre_licker is now known as Salad|WeirdedOut<br><DraganFox> Ringo Salad<br><Sabre> Salad gate sg-1<br><DraganFox> Salad Pie<br><Monarx> Paul McSalad<br><Sabre> george saladson<br><DraganFox> John Saladon<br><Zaaphod> All The President's Salad<br><Sabre> Happy fun Salad<br><Sabre> Salad jerky<br><DraganFox> Salad Dean, Sen. Salad Edwards<br><Monarx> David Craig Salad<br><Sabre> Sex in the Salad<br><Zaaphod> lol<br><Monarx> _5aladfifty<br><Zaaphod> Washington Salad University<br><Monarx> lol<br><Sabre> United salads<br><DraganFox> Washington Salad in St. Louis<br><Sabre> Saladttle<br><Sabre> Sallattle<br><DraganFox> Pearl Salad<br><Zaaphod> Saladbucks<br><DraganFox> Salad in chains<br><Sabre> Smashing salads<br><DraganFox> soundsalad<br><Sabre> Saladstein<br><Zaaphod> Velvet Salad<br>*** Kyle is now known as Kyle-RO<br><Sabre> Crimson salad<br><Sabre> gone with the salad<br><DraganFox> Salad mounain<br><Sabre> Salad's web<br><Zaaphod> THe Wizard of Salad<br><Monarx> Salad of the Century<br><DraganFox> SaladBlanca<br><Zaaphod> The Fellowship of the Salad<br><DraganFox> Citezen Salad<br><DraganFox> the two salads<br><Zaaphod> Lord of the Salads<br><DraganFox> return of the salad<br><Sabre> Where's salad fun book<br><Sabre> Mohegan Salad<br><DraganFox> Salad Gorlock<br><Sabre> E-salad<br><Sabre> Saladmobile<br><DraganFox> viva la salad<br><Sabre> Saladfront<br><Zaaphod> salad, salad, everywhere, and not a tomato to eat<br><Sabre> Das Salat<br><Sabre> Saladboard<br><Sabre> ok 20 minutes of this<br><Sabre> im done for now<br><DraganFox> yea<br><Zaaphod> yeah, I'm saladed out<br><Monarx> Salad Jesse Raphael<br><Zaaphod> that was awfully bizarre<br><Monarx> I'm salad.<br><br>

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 11:28 pm
by Salad Man
You people are still crazy. Almost as crazy as Hobo.

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2004 3:15 am
by Zylo
10 points for saving that log.

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2004 3:32 am
by Dr. Doog
so i'll have 50 point as soon as i actually answer iyestorms questions? cool!