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Burning Sheep Productions
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Postby Burning Sheep Productions » Fri Dec 19, 2003 1:49 am

Whatever dreams you've had, write it down and tell us.
Burning Sheep Productions

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Postby Supersmoke » Fri Dec 19, 2003 1:54 am

I had a dream of myself commiting mass homicide. <!--emo&:ph34r:--><img src='http://definecynical.mancubus.net/forum ... /ph34r.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='ph34r.gif' /><!--endemo-->

Dr. Dos
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Postby Dr. Dos » Fri Dec 19, 2003 2:03 am

Haha I found it in my pile of old papers. I had this crazy dream sometime last year, and I decided to write down all I could remember. Just the first two words will seem crazy...<br><br>"Bill Gates was flying with 8 body guards. His plane crashed in an area surrounded by steep mountains. It was daytime and they made camp. Each night somebody would be dragged away and never be seen again. On the one night while somebody was being dragged away another guard work up. There was a scream as an axe was thrown and landed in a guards knee. In the morning there was one guard with a very bad leg and Bill Gates left. The guard said, 'I know it's in that cave, but it's probably the only way out. If I'm not back soon, well... I'm dead." About an hour later the sun was setting and Gates knew he'd be next. So he went into the cave himself. The first room was well lit. There were slopes on the side that met with the roof of the cave. Bill went through the middle where there was a small circular hole. He went through and was in a narrow tunnel. At the end of the tunnel was a refridgerator. Gates opened it and a perfect circle was cut through the back. He crawled through again and found a choice of a tall door with a cross on it or following the right side which was nearly pitch black. He went through the door and found a large wooden staircase leading up. He climbed all the way to the top and was on a balcony. He saw the last guard get a knife stuck is his back, and get pushed over by a midget. As the midget leaned over to watch him fall Gates pushed him over. He goes out of the cave to find the body of the midget. He finds him and the midget groans. Bill Gates pulls a gun out and shoot him 3 times, then I woke up." CRAZY.
Anami: Sex with a giant, black scorpion seems fun.

<SteveThePocket> Geez. I want more of this stuff now. Now I know how a horny guy on an imageboard feels.

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Doctor Fred
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Postby Doctor Fred » Fri Dec 19, 2003 2:11 am

Ok, ok. Here's a dream of mine.<br><br>Once, me and three of my friends (whom I can't remember) had just beaten this abstract video game (of which we were the characters) and we were recieving our reward of a shoebox full of hundred-dollar coins and thousand-dollar bills. We grabbed as much as we could from the box before it flew away.<br><br>Next thing I knew, we were in school, 3 o'clock, Friday. We decided that walking home with thousands of dollars in our pockets would get us mugged for sure, so we decided to seek a private place in the school for us to put the money in our shoes (because muggers won't mug our shoes.) So the serch was on, but everywhere we went, there were people poluting the privacy who were ready to theft our winnings should their eyes lay upon them. We decided to go to the bathroom, but the boys restroom wasn't a boys restroom at all. It was... get this... a drag queen dressing room. We tried to do the switch there, but there were too many people. We tried the girls room too, but it was full of cubicles and computers and everytime we tried to hide behind a wall, someone popped their head above it to peek.<br><br>Then an undetermined lapse of time had occured and I ended up wandering a tall empty skyscraper alone at 10 o'clock at night.<br><br>I woke up confused and depressed.
<span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'><span style='font-family:Impact'><a href='http://www.livejournal.com/users/doctor_fred/' target='_blank'>Enter the Mind... Please?</a></span></span>

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Postby Henohenomoheji » Fri Dec 19, 2003 2:53 am

I had this dream the night before last<br>in the world of animal crossing, i was confronted by the mass<br>of animal inhabitants, who glared at me with loathing,<br>because I wasn't wearing the brand-name clothing<br>(of that stupid giraffe upon whom everyone was swooning,<br>which really made me want to resort to mooning)<br><br>I played as myself in that mystical land<br>not some Nordic Viking who comes from Iceland,<br>with those large heavy objects and those big pointy horns <br>O I swear that they make them look sort of like corn<br>(but I like Vikings and I like pie,<br>cause d@*%, those Vikings knew how to die.<br>don't ask what Vikings have to do with this game<br>It may be as well that i think i'm insane)<br><br>They chased me around, the animals did,<br>and always found me, wherever I hid,<br>I remember I tried to hide in the museum,<br>but they kept going "I see him! I see him!"<br>(well YOU try to find something that rhymes with museum,<br>and then we can be in temporary agreement.<br>Okay, i know that it's off, and it's sorta a waste,<br>so leemee alone or i'll whack you posthaste)<br><br>They went and surrounded me out by the river,<br>It looked as if they wanted to tear out my liver,<br>Tear out my liver?! that wasn't my wish!<br>and they went and proceeded to beat me with fish.<br><br>O, how it stung, the sakana-geki<br>But when they whacked me I not scream like aunt becky<br>and then they went and tied me upside down<br>and continued attacking with fish while I was suspended from ground<br>(just like your average everyday piniata,<br>I told them to stop, but they all just went "nada"<br>You can't understand me? alas and alack,<br>It's in Japanese, it means "fish attack"<br>and in real life, i could have kicked their butts,<br>the squirrels and the cats and those doggone mutts,<br>There's no pun intended, i just got luecky,<br>and now you should know i don't have an aunt becky)<br><br>That was my dream, how did it go,<br>Of animal crossing, out there in the snow,<br>My poetry was good, I trust, it wasn't boring,<br>oh really now, you people, stop snoring!
Miyo! Chikara no chizu!<br><br>Living proof that Ninja and Pirates can live together in peace, harmony, and fun at the expense of ye hapless townsfolk.<br><br>"<br>< e<br> -|-|-/ < <br>< e <br>_________/ <br>-------------------------<br><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Hey... On page 375 it says "Jeebus"...</span>

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Postby Zylo » Fri Dec 19, 2003 4:13 am

Here's mine.<br><br>Setting: Large stadium, crowded with thousands of people. Mid afternoon. Warm, but not hot. Partly cloudy.<br><br>I'm in the crowd and I notice 4 people fighting their way through the crowd. I know these people in the dream, but I don't know who they are in real life. They move through the crowd trying to blend in and not draw attention. There are 2 adult males, an adult female, and a young boy about 8 years old. They are in disguise, enchancted by magic earrings. While moving through the crowd, the magic earrings fall off and their true identities are revealed. Again, myself, or whatever character I was in the dream, knew the people, but I do not know these people in real life. I'm about 50 feet away from them, and there's thousands of people everywhere. Suddenly, the crowd stops and silences as they noticed the revealed identities of the 4 characters. They're in a lot of trouble for something, but I never found out what, as I woke up right then.<br><br>I have no clue what this dream means. However, I do believe this is my 100th post! Yay! ::does 100-post happy dance, breaks out a cold bottle of root rum to drink::

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Postby Sabre » Fri Dec 19, 2003 4:36 am

I had a dream about inspector gadget,... when I awoke it was on tv.<br><br>Thank god, I thought I was wierd dreaming about that without influence.

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Postby dobbs » Fri Dec 19, 2003 4:48 am

I once fell asleep on a couch while visiting some family and friends of family at a lakeside house. In my dream, I was wandering around the bottom floor of the house and the lake started rising and flooding the entire story. The punchline is that the entire time I'm struggling against rising waters, I'm preoccupied with escaping this voice that wouldn't stop talking jibberish. As time progressed, the flooding was less and less a priority and I ended up just trying to get away from <b>the voice</b>. When I awoke, my aunt was still talking. That's about as close as I get to a nightmare, but I felt much better after leaving the room.
Great Clockwise Pumpkin Mock-Caterpillar Whirly Doodad dobbs (the Thirty-Ninth)

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Burning Sheep Productions
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Postby Burning Sheep Productions » Fri Dec 19, 2003 6:01 am

Crazy we all are, too much time Iyestorm has, I can hardly remember my dreams but here's two:<br><br>I had this power where this huge (half a meter in diameter) electrical but very low in voltage bolt came out of my chest at my will and it could take the life out of people so they'd be zombies or something, alive but with no mind.<br>I don't really remember what accuarly happened but I know I was at school.<br>And there was this huge halo, I can't remember where that came in but it had something to do with me and something else.<br><br>And I had one last night where I think I was a purply-pink hedgehog and there was this young girl with heaps of brown hair going down the back and all frissy looking like a hedgehog's back and there was this other person, a toaster I think and this girl was like Bart, breaking promises with her parents and everything and I was following her like a sheep turning into her attitude, and the toaster, I can't remember the gender but it was a bit of a nerd and followed us but we didn't really mind all that much.<br>And I remember we had run away from home and they were looking for us and we were hiding in this barn thingo and they came so we snuck out and went down this hill covered in firt and sticks and a few shrubs untill we got to a pier.<br>And I remember talking on the mobile to my parents that I was going to the island nearby for a little bit but instead we were going to live there and stuff.<br>I can remember that scene really well with the water and everything.<br><br>Oh, and I was viewing it third person even though I was in there.
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Dr. Doog
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Postby Dr. Doog » Fri Dec 19, 2003 5:29 pm

none of my dreams are normal. they usually end up at one point or another in a 2-d video game look(don't ask how it can be, I just see an overworld somehow!). i've felt pain in a dream, it is a true 'nother world, as i must wish to awake to find me to awoken. I'm scared like hell of my world. please take me to the land i've been longing for, take me to the place of happiness, please take me away from the monster slide, daddy! but he doesn't help! well, i've never had <i>that</i> particular dream, but for some reason i was beginning to speak weird and i wanted to include it! O.o
pants jesus
DCS should've ended the comic a year or two ago.

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Postby Henohenomoheji » Fri Dec 19, 2003 6:32 pm

I'm not sure of the accuracy of this dream; it was a few months ago...<br><br>I was running away from some pine trees with peanut butter, and then they caught me and ate me and I died. *and then i was like "that's not what I wanted to happen" so i came back to life and found i had control over my dream so I started kicking some pine tree butt!<br><br>It was a dream, don't laugh! but i had control over it, I was concious while unconcious. (and after disposing of the evil pine trees, i spent a bunch of time hitting buttons in my brain, like ooo, what does this button do? and I remember I kept changing the camera angle.)<br><br> there was another time something similar happened, i was awake but i couldn't move, i tried to move but i couldnt and it was scary, this happened a few years ago.<br><br>Also, you know those dreams you have where you're falling?<br>I have those a lot. I told someone this and they said i was afraid of heights. and i'm not, but, whatever. There's a myth where you die if you hit the bottom before you wake up, but you live if you wake up before you hit the bottom. Every time I had that dream I hit the bottom... and then sometimes i wake up right then and sometimes I don't... but I always think the same thing afterwards...<br>"whoa... dude... ouch... that sorta hurt... can I do it again?"<br><br>(the "*" means I might have woken up here)<br>
Miyo! Chikara no chizu!<br><br>Living proof that Ninja and Pirates can live together in peace, harmony, and fun at the expense of ye hapless townsfolk.<br><br>"<br>< e<br> -|-|-/ < <br>< e <br>_________/ <br>-------------------------<br><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Hey... On page 375 it says "Jeebus"...</span>

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Dr. Doog
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Postby Dr. Doog » Fri Dec 19, 2003 9:15 pm

i'm usually lucid(aware) in my dreams, i know it's a dream, i know that that dude isn't my best friend, and i just don't do anything. i can't, it's just some defect of my knowledge. it's horrible. more horrible than people speaking spanish. any more 'lucid' dreams, and you should go over to skytopia.com. it's fun to see what spam they have sometimes.<br><br><br>oh, and iyestorm, don't forget to take my avatar <!--emo&;)--><img src='http://definecynical.mancubus.net/forum ... s/wink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif' /><!--endemo-->.
pants jesus
DCS should've ended the comic a year or two ago.

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Postby ShadOtterdan » Fri Dec 19, 2003 10:42 pm

I've had several dreams involving special powers, in one I was at a camp for kids like that, I knew a guy named Ray, who could shoot beams, and a fat guy named Turtle who could teleport, and I could gain the powers of other people permanently by touching someone (didn't hurt them), can't remember many other details about it. In many other dreams I can fly at will. As for the whole falling thing, the strange thing about my dreams is that I'm always invincible, falling doesn't hurt.<br><br>Has anyone else here had that problem where they know they're in a dream, and try to directly change the place (not making someone do something but changing stuff directly) and the dream just falls apart?
By the power of greyskull, I'm not sure I believe that.

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Doctor Fred
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Postby Doctor Fred » Sat Dec 20, 2003 3:26 am

Okay, so I was working at my desk in my work building with the red floors and ceilings and orange walls, when Ewen McGregger walks in. I knew he was going to be in the new Tim Burton movie, so I was excited to talk to him. But my throat was all clogged up or something, so I spent a few minutes clearing it up. When it was clear, I said, crisply "You're Ewan McGregger." And he sais to me as he's walking past me "I'm not gay." Then he walks into a windowed office to turn in some paperwork, then he walks out and exits the building through the glass doors (we were on the first floor.) And then, viewing through the doors, I see him taking out a ciggerette, puting it in his mouth, and smoking it! And this is a non-smoking building. I know it, and he knows it (I guess you can't smoke right next the building doors either.) And the last thing he did was while he was taking his big puffs of his ciggarette, he glares at me with his evil eyes and smirks a devious smile, because he knows I don't think he should be smoking there, and he knows that there's nothing I can do about it because he's Ewan McGregger and people like him can do just about anything they want.<br><br>And the paperwork he turned in? They were legal papers to renew Steve Martin's license to flavor the water. Steve flavors it with tiny plastic flowers.
<span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'><span style='font-family:Impact'><a href='http://www.livejournal.com/users/doctor_fred/' target='_blank'>Enter the Mind... Please?</a></span></span>

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Postby Foxchild » Sat Dec 20, 2003 8:38 am

I almost never remember my dreams for any greater time than 15 minutes after i get up, and in that first 15 mins, i crtanly don't fel like writing stuff down. The only dreams i fully remember are either the scariest nightmares, or ones that have strange connections to reality, but explaining them would... well it would be a bit wierd, wierd even as dreams go.
If you've done things right, people won't be sure if you've done anything at all.

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