Randomly obligatory 2004 end-of-year topic

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Miles E Traysandor
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Postby Miles E Traysandor » Tue Dec 28, 2004 4:00 pm

So, another year has bitten the dust. So what was the big highlights (and bad things) that happened during the year? I know a number of us didn't exactly have great years (I know I certainly didn't, dunno about anyone else), but here goes...<br><br><b>BEST EVENT OF 2004: Red Sox WIN the World Series!</b><br>That's so blaringly obvious for me that this easily takes the cake in a pretty much otherwise miserable year.<br><br>Other Highlights:<br><br>Patriots won the Super Bowl? I don't really know what else to put here.... :-/<br><br>Things that will make 2004 one to forget otherwise:<br><br>Kerry lost the election. Yeah, I'm not a very big Bush fan, I'll just leave it at that and move on.<br>Car problems. Alternator in the beginning of the year, then the brakes and still a loud muffler to worry about.<br>Job and money problems. The thing that almost claimed my apartment in February instead of July, which brings me to the other thing I'd like to forget about: Stepmother *insert death stare here*. 'Nuff said.<br>Romance problems, but then again, this problem has been present in my life forever, so this isn't really anything new.<br><br>Conclusion: 2004 pretty much sucked royally for me.
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Postby GhostWay » Tue Dec 28, 2004 4:12 pm

It's not gone yet. There's still 3.5 days left (depending on when/where you read this).
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Postby Ozymandias » Tue Dec 28, 2004 5:06 pm

Well eary in the year, when spring was turning to Summer, I lost complete faith that there ever was or will be a benevolent God out there somewhere, despite being rather religious before that. Then there was Work Experience, which resulted in a nice little earner in the Summer. Some bad stuff happened around here, and I realise how much my parents control me, and I'm not gonna let that happen again. <br><br>Oh yeah, I decided to try my hand at drawing and as a result found O&M and you guys!<br><br>So, yeah, 2004 had a lot of lost dreams in it, but it did have its good points
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Postby Muninn » Tue Dec 28, 2004 7:09 pm

I ate a rutabega.

Phauxe Kitsune
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Postby Phauxe Kitsune » Tue Dec 28, 2004 7:19 pm

In this year I have done more self-discovery and growing up than I thought was possible. I have changed so much in the past year it is almost impossible to comprehend how I was at the beginning of the year. Now let me think of some specifics, though:<br><br>-New Years Day, midnight; it was the last time that I was together with all of my friends from back home at one time. Since then all but a few of us have drifted apart.<br>-Towards the end of spring one of my good friends in the army left to serve in Afghanistan.<br>-During summer I worked with my father on the farm; we've never been close, and it was my last attempt to change it. Needless to say, it hardly worked.<br>-End of the summer my parents decided it was time to sell our cattle. They had been farmers all their lives, but the crops were not doing well and they had been speaking of selling the livestock for a while. It was quite a change, and hard for them both.<br>-Got a great new job at the recreational center on campus after returning to college; not many hours, not much pay, but a ton of fun.<br>-Went to my first Cake concert; was a blast<br>-Went to Midwest Furfest, which was the first furry convention I ever attended. Met some great people and had a lot of fun. Plus I got to meet DCS.<br><br>Well, in a quick summary, that was my 2004.

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Postby dabomb4097 » Tue Dec 28, 2004 9:22 pm

2004 started out really good for me. I went from being an anti-social computer nerd with no life, to someone that had friends and did stuff outside his house and computer. And I went away to college, and then everything went downhill.<br><br>I hated living at the college I went away to. I chose it back in the fall of 2003, and a lot of the above changes that made the beginning of 2004 good would have caused me to pick a school for totally different reasons. Its not living on a college campus in general that I didn't like, it was living in that town and that specific enviroment. So about a month into it, after my roommate moved out because I spent too much time sitting in the room on my computer, and I basically spent all my free time either chatting on the computer with all the new friends I had made that were 5 hours away back home; or just lying in bed, staring at the cieling, snuggling the wolf plush that I bought while I was at college simply to try and make me feel less depressed. <br><br>So I just quit and came home, after my parents said in January 2005 I could go away to a different school and just continue on. But that school was out of state, and a lot more expensive then what I was going to before. They knew that when they said I could go there, but said they would make it work somehow. Then, after I had quit and came back home, they decided they could really not make it work, and wouldn't take out that much in loans (or let me do it myself), so now I'm stuck living at home, going to some crappy community college I don't want to go to, and stuck doing so for at least the next two years. So here I am, a depressed wreck that's going nowhere in life, can't find a part-time job, can't go to and live at a good school, and can't find any other way to be happy except during the short periods of time I spend having fun with friends.<br><br>Happy New Year everyone.<br><br>-db


Postby Ruedii-X » Wed Dec 29, 2004 2:26 am

<!--QuoteBegin-Traysandor Vulpine+Dec 28 2004, 11:00 AM--> <table border='0' align='center' width='95%' ><tr><td class='quotetop'><b>Quote:</b> (Traysandor Vulpine @ Dec 28 2004, 11:00 AM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quotebody'> So, another year has bitten the dust. So what was the big highlights (and bad things) that happened during the year? I know a number of us didn't exactly have great years (I know I certainly didn't, dunno about anyone else), but here goes...<br><br><b>BEST EVENT OF 2004: Red Sox WIN the World Series!</b><br>That's so blaringly obvious for me that this easily takes the cake in a pretty much otherwise miserable year.<br><br>Other Highlights:<br><br>Patriots won the Super Bowl? I don't really know what else to put here.... :-/<br><br>Things that will make 2004 one to forget otherwise:<br><br>Kerry lost the election. Yeah, I'm not a very big Bush fan, I'll just leave it at that and move on.<br>Car problems. Alternator in the beginning of the year, then the brakes and still a loud muffler to worry about.<br>Job and money problems. The thing that almost claimed my apartment in February instead of July, which brings me to the other thing I'd like to forget about: Stepmother *insert death stare here*. 'Nuff said.<br>Romance problems, but then again, this problem has been present in my life forever, so this isn't really anything new.<br><br>Conclusion: 2004 pretty much sucked royally for me. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table> <!--QuoteEEnd--><br> I'd call 2004 a year of personal progress for me. I've greatly improved in almost all aspects, far more in one year since 1993.<br><br>What's even stranger, the majority of the changes culminated around the time I showed up here. I don't know if it happened because I came here, or visa versa. Oh well, it doesn't matter anyways.<br><br>However, the road ahead still has no signs, and the map seems to be being drawn along the way, so I'm still calling the shots as I go. I guess when I get there, there will be here, and I'll just have a new there to get to, so I might as well enjoy the journey, although it feels good to have things moving a little faster now.<br><br>OK, I just heard a few minds blow, so I'll stop. I wish everyone a good 2005, and hope everyone can find value looking back on 2004, or at least find what they need to change next year to add value, after all that IS of a very significant value.


Postby Ruedii-X » Wed Dec 29, 2004 2:56 am

<!--QuoteBegin-dabomb4097+Dec 28 2004, 04:22 PM--> <table border='0' align='center' width='95%' ><tr><td class='quotetop'><b>Quote:</b> (dabomb4097 @ Dec 28 2004, 04:22 PM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quotebody'> 2004 started out really good for me. I went from being an anti-social computer nerd with no life, to someone that had friends and did stuff outside his house and computer. And I went away to college, and then everything went downhill.<br><br>I hated living at the college I went away to. I chose it back in the fall of 2003, and a lot of the above changes that made the beginning of 2004 good would have caused me to pick a school for totally different reasons. Its not living on a college campus in general that I didn't like, it was living in that town and that specific enviroment. So about a month into it, after my roommate moved out because I spent too much time sitting in the room on my computer, and I basically spent all my free time either chatting on the computer with all the new friends I had made that were 5 hours away back home; or just lying in bed, staring at the cieling, snuggling the wolf plush that I bought while I was at college simply to try and make me feel less depressed. <br><br>So I just quit and came home, after my parents said in January 2005 I could go away to a different school and just continue on. But that school was out of state, and a lot more expensive then what I was going to before. They knew that when they said I could go there, but said they would make it work somehow. Then, after I had quit and came back home, they decided they could really not make it work, and wouldn't take out that much in loans (or let me do it myself), so now I'm stuck living at home, going to some crappy community college I don't want to go to, and stuck doing so for at least the next two years. So here I am, a depressed wreck that's going nowhere in life, can't find a part-time job, can't go to and live at a good school, and can't find any other way to be happy except during the short periods of time I spend having fun with friends.<br><br>Happy New Year everyone.<br><br>-db <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table> <!--QuoteEEnd--><br> Don't feel so bad about it. We all make bad choices, just move on. I'm personally doing a bunch of trade school courses and self-education right now, because I have no clue which way the tech industry is leading. Every road looks like it could dead end in another bubble burst. I was about ready to start video game programming, and then I saw the pattern from 1984 reoccuring. I'm telling you, in 5 years the entire industry will be rearanged again.<br><br>I found that the best way to keep you're head on streight when you're being faced with demeaningly easy school, is to take up side projects. You might even have some classes of interest at you're community college, or one of the schools it has assosiations with, or you might find some clubs or other things to hold you're intellectual interest.<br><br>I know how you feel with that stuffed wolf. I have a flease blanket. I normally use it to sleep under, but when I'm feeling anxiuos it can be very comforting. If you need someone to chat with, I'll listen. I may not be around all the time, and don't expect me not to jabber you're ear off, but it's at least someone.

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Burning Sheep Productions
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Postby Burning Sheep Productions » Wed Dec 29, 2004 3:23 am

I guess I kinda grew out of a few old childhood traditions in 04, and... two of me best friends left to other places so that sucked, aaand... well... I wen't to China, that kinda sucked but there were moments to awesomeness to make it worth it... aaaaand... uummm... I... umm... did... stuff.
Burning Sheep Productions


Postby Ruedii-X » Wed Dec 29, 2004 4:00 am

<!--QuoteBegin-Burning Sheep Productions+Dec 28 2004, 10:23 PM--> <table border='0' align='center' width='95%' ><tr><td class='quotetop'><b>Quote:</b> (Burning Sheep Productions @ Dec 28 2004, 10:23 PM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quotebody'> I guess I kinda grew out of a few old childhood traditions in 04, and... two of me best friends left to other places so that sucked, aaand... well... I wen't to China, that kinda sucked but there were moments to awesomeness to make it worth it... aaaaand... uummm... I... umm... did... stuff. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table> <!--QuoteEEnd--><br> Not very good with words, are you. Well I never was until a few years ago. Keep posting and you should get better.

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Burning Sheep Productions
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Postby Burning Sheep Productions » Wed Dec 29, 2004 4:59 am

Bleh, too much stuff happened for me to remember what happened so I don't really know if it was a good year or not.<br>But I still stand by my 'feeling' that significant stuff happens in '04 and '08.
Burning Sheep Productions

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Postby Zylo » Wed Dec 29, 2004 5:45 am

As cliche as it sounds, I have to toss my hat into the ring of everyone else who says 2004 was a year of "great personal change" and stuff.<br><br>-The first half of the year was dominated by school, which completely robbed me of any form of life or personality for a good while. Thankfully I survived, emerged slightly more educated in some obscure way, and it's been less stressful since.<br>-Spring was marred by a pretty turbulent episode with me and a lot of my friends. I've since redefined what I consider to be a friend and who I hold close to me.<br>-June brought me getting back together with my ex-girlfriend for the second time, after going out for 15 months and then breaking up for the following 9. It brought with it some pretty odd experiences...<br>-July saw me attending a summer session and living on campus at the University of Delaware and attending classes there for a month. More than that, it put me in the best and most relaxing social atmosphere I've ever experienced, and I decided that I love "the college life."<br>-August ended my summer session at UD and brought my return to high school for my senior year. I've never hated school more than I have this year. I'm dying to hurry up, graduate, and get the hell out of there so I can go to college.<br>-September brought the end of my 2nd relationship with my ex-girlfriend due to the personal revealation that I'm gay. This was definately the most defining experience of my year, because love is a pretty important thing, so it's nice to know the truth about it, isn't it?<br>-This winter saw me join my school's swim team; my first involvement in a school sport. It's been pretty awesome, and it does a nice job of relieving whatever stress finds its way into my life.<br><br>I would call my 2004 a stressful year, but ultimately a good one. It brought about it some necessary changes in my life that will hopefully allow my 2005 to kick some tail.


Postby Ruedii-X » Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:04 am

<!--QuoteBegin-DraganFox+Dec 29 2004, 12:45 AM--> <table border='0' align='center' width='95%' ><tr><td class='quotetop'><b>Quote:</b> (DraganFox @ Dec 29 2004, 12:45 AM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quotebody'> As cliche as it sounds, I have to toss my hat into the ring of everyone else who says 2004 was a year of "great personal change" and stuff.<br><br>-The first half of the year was dominated by school, which completely robbed me of any form of life or personality for a good while. Thankfully I survived, emerged slightly more educated in some obscure way, and it's been less stressful since.<br>-Spring was marred by a pretty turbulent episode with me and a lot of my friends. I've since redefined what I consider to be a friend and who I hold close to me.<br>-June brought me getting back together with my ex-girlfriend for the second time, after going out for 15 months and then breaking up for the following 9. It brought with it some pretty odd experiences...<br>-July saw me attending a summer session and living on campus at the University of Delaware and attending classes there for a month. More than that, it put me in the best and most relaxing social atmosphere I've ever experienced, and I decided that I love "the college life."<br>-August ended my summer session at UD and brought my return to high school for my senior year. I've never hated school more than I have this year. I'm dying to hurry up, graduate, and get the hell out of there so I can go to college.<br>-September brought the end of my 2nd relationship with my ex-girlfriend due to the personal revealation that I'm gay. This was definately the most defining experience of my year, because love is a pretty important thing, so it's nice to know the truth about it, isn't it?<br>-This winter saw me join my school's swim team; my first involvement in a school sport. It's been pretty awesome, and it does a nice job of relieving whatever stress finds its way into my life.<br><br>I would call my 2004 a stressful year, but ultimately a good one. It brought about it some necessary changes in my life that will hopefully allow my 2005 to kick some tail. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table> <!--QuoteEEnd--><br> I'm not sure if you should jump to the conclusion that you are gay so fast. Maybe you just don't find women like you have been looking at attractive. Different men have different tastes in women. A guy will point out a girl walking down the street in some cloths that consist of more shoestrings than actual material, and I will gag, but then a girl who is modest walks by, and I'm so attracted to her, and that same guy wonders why I would like a girl like that.

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Postby Zylo » Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:15 am

<!--QuoteBegin-Ruedii-X+Dec 29 2004, 01:04 AM--> <table border='0' align='center' width='95%' ><tr><td class='quotetop'><b>Quote:</b> (Ruedii-X @ Dec 29 2004, 01:04 AM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quotebody'> I'm not sure if you should jump to the conclusion that you are gay so fast. Maybe you just don't find women like you have been looking at attractive. Different men have different tastes in women. A guy will point out a girl walking down the street in some cloths that consist of more shoestrings than actual material, and I will gag, but then a girl who is modest walks by, and I'm so attracted to her, and that same guy wonders why I would like a girl like that. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table> <!--QuoteEEnd--><br> This wasn't some conclusion I jumped to just because I woke up one day and thought "oh, I'm gay, ok." It's been years of suspicions that pretty much came to a head after certains events in our relationship and my life. I spent years in denial over it. Years of suspicion and denial don't sounds fast to me at all.

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Burning Sheep Productions
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Postby Burning Sheep Productions » Wed Dec 29, 2004 8:23 am

Would be much easier if there was a button in the side of your head which you press and you ask your brain a question "Am I gay?" then you get the answer.<br>But no, life likes to toy with you.
Burning Sheep Productions

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