Post Your Dreams

A place to talk about anything (that doesn't belong in the other forums).


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Dr. Sticks
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Postby Dr. Sticks » Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:38 am

angela loves sex with girls and drugs. the fact that she is dreaming about a place that does not exist means that she longs to have more sex with girls and drugs.

(the question is, my grammar is ambiguous there. see the following diagram:)
Well put doog. You never posted anything offensive whatsoever
we know she'll be back, like a good bitch should.

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Postby datherman » Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:49 am

If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving is not for you.


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Postby Angstwolf » Thu Feb 19, 2009 9:03 pm

I had a lucid dream the other night for the first time since I was a child.

At first I dreamed that I was going through orientation for some job at a high-tech industrial place that I'd just gotten. It was an awesome place with all kinds of buttons and colors, and it was on an island. The orientation was given by someone talking to me remotely while I floated around in a little helicopter pod. Also, I arrived on the island by taking what was basically a roller coaster (although it was probably just a really cool bullet train) across the water.

After a while, though, I was like, "Man, this is pants up. There's no way it's real.... WAAAAIT a minute. I'm dreaming!"

Then I proceeded to do whatever the pants I wanted, which mostly consisted of flying around because flying is rad.

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Postby Chris » Fri Feb 20, 2009 12:21 am

Last night, I've dreamt of nothing. My dream is always blank in this past week D:

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Postby Segovia » Fri Feb 20, 2009 2:22 am

I once had this dream where my Grandpa that died when I was eight came back at my Grandma's house. I was the only one who saw him. Then I asked him if there was a Heaven.

Then He said in this deep and demonic voice YES.

That creeped the hell out of me.

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Dr. Sticks
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Postby Dr. Sticks » Fri Feb 20, 2009 3:13 am

you must feel uncomfortable with aspects of your religious upbringing.
Well put doog. You never posted anything offensive whatsoever
we know she'll be back, like a good bitch should.

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Postby MuffinSticks » Fri Feb 20, 2009 3:27 am

I once had this dream where my Grandpa that died when I was eight came back at my Grandma's house. I was the only one who saw him. Then I asked him if there was a Heaven.

Then He said in this deep and demonic voice YES.

That creeped the hell out of me.

<Muninn> Too furry for saneville, too girly for boystown
see, how far raine dog got placed in the background? take that you blue bitch

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Postby Segovia » Fri Feb 20, 2009 4:08 am

I once had this dream where my Grandpa that died when I was eight came back at my Grandma's house. I was the only one who saw him. Then I asked him if there was a Heaven.

Then He said in this deep and demonic voice YES.

That creeped the hell out of me.
I don't know what it meant. Maybe it was just something that my deviant mind comes up with.

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Postby Hyperion » Fri Feb 20, 2009 4:57 am

A few days ago, when I was sick I had a dream I vaguely recall...

I was at home, then I decided I wanted a bigger house, and suddenly crystals grew from the ground and became a tower around the house. Then I woke up in bed, but the crystals were still there, and for some reason I had an incredibly strong belief that I was the anti-christ. Then I really woke up. The end.
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Doc Sigma
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Postby Doc Sigma » Fri Feb 20, 2009 1:22 pm

I had a dream the other night that I was in a big electronics store, like Circuit City or something. On the ground in front of me was a piece of paper, folded vertically so it was standing up. On it was a drawing of the pokemon Croagunk, with the word "Roagunk" written below it. I bent over to pick it up and it blew away from me. I chased it all around the store. Every time it went past something electronic, that thing would shut off, and also the store became 100% dark behind me as I ran. Eventually I ended up at a dead end full of people, we were all trapped there because of the Croagunk named Roagunk. It was totally dark, and had a really scary feeling to it. Eventually somebody saved us by opening up the main doors of the store, but there were 8 doors and you had to go through the right one based on your religion. After that was another series of 8 doors narrowing it down even more, then another series... a total of 8 series of 8 doors. I wound up taking some path which meant I was some sort of monk. I was outside in this really pretty monastery place on the side of a mountain/cliff, then I figured out that I was dead -- we were ALL dead -- the doors were leading us to our appropriate afterlives (so I guess there were 16,777,216 different afterlives in this particular dream). For mine, I had to follow a series of numbered trails from 1 to 100. I got to somewhere in the 60s when I woke up with a jump (in the dream I fell off the cliff).


Curse you, Croagunk!

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Postby datherman » Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:17 pm

That's pretty epic, I have to say.

Last night I dreamed I was in my high school for a 5th year, not because I failed my senior year but because that's where my first year of college was taking place. I met up with a friend of mine who was also in the same situation and we started walking down the hall together when I heard one of the cafeteria ladies yelling "Now THAT's what I'm talking about! We need to get another dimension in there sometime." I looked to my friend and his head was an Etch-a-Sketch making emoticon faces.

Then I woke up.
If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving is not for you.


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Postby Liz » Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:42 pm

I had a dream a couple of weeks ago where I realized I was dreaming and I was trying to do something that could affect me in the real world, but it failed because these people kept jabbing me with their fingers and it woke me up ):

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Postby likeafox » Fri Mar 27, 2009 5:23 am

I had a dream I made a thread on Anything simply saying "Newshounds is a good comic".

Angela quickly replied, scoffing and saying, no, it is a terrible comic and "don't even TRY to link any "good" examples".

Then when I was about to post again in my defense with things like "I haven't actually read it in 5 years", I reconsidered, reasoning that the next 20 people could post, wholeheartedly supporting my point. If I backpedaled now, those positive responses wouldn't be able to lift me back up, and everyone would see my opinion as wavering, lacking the assertion needed to merit posting a new topic.

I don't know why I dreamt that.

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Comrade K
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Postby Comrade K » Fri Mar 27, 2009 6:00 am

I had a dream last night where I was initially in some kind of aviation museum, with a bunch of people I don't know but felt like I did in the dream. I got the feeling I was there a highschool class or something. Anyway, there was this one little plane that I climbed into for whatever reason, and I went to the front of the plane, and it tipped forward and fell, since it was supported in the center. The inside was basically composed of smooth plastic, and there was nothing but a window at the front, no instruments or anything like that. Anyway, I climbed out, and someone chided me for knocking the plane over. Then my highschool English teacher was there, and I got the feeling he was the leader of the bunch I was with. After that the dream took one of those drastic turns that my dreams always do. Suddenly we were all outside, in a large alley, surrounded on all sides but one by a warehouse building with those garage doors. There was a cube van sitting there idling, and someone ordered everyone to take their clothes off, except for underwear, and get in the van. I waited, and asked where the van was taking us, and the guy who told everyone to undress said "the camps." At that point I attempted to shoot the guy and then booked it. In retrospect, it was only after he said "the camps" that either of us were armed...I woke up right after I started running.

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Doc Sigma
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Postby Doc Sigma » Fri Mar 27, 2009 6:01 am

I had a dream where I came on Boxxy's face for five minutes

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