Religious Fundamentalists vs. Conspiracy Theorists

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Re: Religious Fundamentalists vs. Conspiracy Theorists

Postby Muninn » Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:02 pm

I consider myself to be a conspiracy theorist in my spare time and I would say that I am pretty easy to get me to accept that your ideas may be right but at the same time extremely difficult to have a rational discussion with.
Doog, did you know that after Atlantis sank due to the eternal serpent god of the dreamtime visiting the high priests of the hexagrammic temple and giving them superior technology they followed ley lines through to Central America, Egypt and the Indus Valley where they constructed elaborate marking on the ground like the Nazca lines and on the Giza plateau to propel them between dimensions after consuming the keys to the realms of the machine elves such as ayahuasca so that they may live forever and influence humanity's development, and that they later gave us Yanni so we may learn of their song-speech?

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Re: Religious Fundamentalists vs. Conspiracy Theorists

Postby Tom_Radigan » Wed Jan 27, 2010 2:57 am

Who cares about whether 9/11 was an inside job, the non-conspiratorial fact remains that it served as a great excuse to get into Iraq. Let's change discussion to the REAL conspiracies.
Of course it was an inside job. To prepare for a war, the most important thing to do is severely disrupt the Pentagon. :roll: The people who say that belong together with the Holocaust deniers. :evil:

One can make equally logical arguments that God exists or not. The question hasn't been decided in millennia and never will. But I should note that the late science fiction author Keith Laumer, who was not a religious man, has commented that what we know is what people in authority tell us. In the past, we knew that the Earth was flat and the Sun and planets went around it. How? It's what our family and people in authority told us. How do we know that the Earth is round and we travel around the Sun and that the speed of light is 186,282 miles per second? We're taught that in school. Most of us don't have the time, cleverness, or resources to check these things for ourselves.

Conspiracy theorists, from my personal experience, are people who like to think they are smarter than everyone else and aren't. They think they have THE knowledge about how things really work and what really happened. Not only smugness but wishful thinking drives these people.

Kennedy was assassinated by the CIA because he was going to end our involvement the Vietnam War. (Reality: political analysts deny this, plus it would have been a moot point. JFK already had a fatal case of Addison's disease and was about to kick the bucket anyway.) Bush stole the 2000 election. (Reality: The Supreme Court merely decided on the validity of the votes in Florida. As lifetime appointees, no politician can influence them.) 9/11/01 allowed Bush to invade Iraq. (Reality: There was nothing to stop him from doing it anyway.) There's a secret organization called OPEC who...oh wait, people know about it already? :lol:

Oh, there are real conspiracies, but less that one tenth of one percent of conspiracy theories out there are valid. And the valid ones are no secret to the public.

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Re: Religious Fundamentalists vs. Conspiracy Theorists

Postby sad jazz cantaloupe » Wed Jan 27, 2010 3:57 am

Bush stole the 2000 election. (Reality: The Supreme Court merely decided on the validity of the votes in Florida. As lifetime appointees, no politician can influence them.) 9/11/01 allowed Bush to invade Iraq. (Reality: There was nothing to stop him from doing it anyway.)
ummm... like I said, those two things aren't conspiracies. they're just statements... bush DID win the election after a billion recounts in florida, and 9/11 DID make going to war with iraq an easier case to sell... but there was no illuminatus that made either of those things happen. They just happened.
Last edited by sad jazz cantaloupe on Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Religious Fundamentalists vs. Conspiracy Theorists

Postby Muninn » Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:09 am

In the past, we knew that the Earth was flat
This part is a myth, unless you're talking about people pre-4th or 3rd century BC.

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Re: Religious Fundamentalists vs. Conspiracy Theorists

Postby Foxchild » Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:12 pm

I much prefer the conspiracy theories that involve our alien overlords testing genetic splicing on unsuspecting intelligent life.

... those poor, poor cows!

Well, either that or a black, worm like liquid that invades the human body and turns the eyes solid black before recessing back into the brain and causing unknown mind control like effects. I WANT TO BELIEVE!
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Re: Religious Fundamentalists vs. Conspiracy Theorists

Postby Tom_Radigan » Wed Jan 27, 2010 6:15 pm

How about the space aliens at Area 51 in 1947. There was in fact a government coverup and the lie that it was a crashed weather balloon. But it wasn't space aliens Uncle Sam was hiding, but a top secret project using electronic balloon trains to detect expected Soviet atomic bomb tests.

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Re: Religious Fundamentalists vs. Conspiracy Theorists

Postby sad jazz cantaloupe » Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:49 pm

area 51 and alien coverups are an amazing concept, imo. it's a counter-conspiracy! While everyone's saying that the government's covering up aliens by calling it prototype technology tests, the government's covering up prototype technology by be vague about whether it's actually an alien or not.
Apologies to everyone. Except Fritz.
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Re: Religious Fundamentalists vs. Conspiracy Theorists

Postby Burning Sheep Productions » Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:44 am

I read:
Furries are worse.

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Re: Religious Fundamentalists vs. Conspiracy Theorists

Postby Dr. Dos » Sat Jan 30, 2010 8:29 am

They are.
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Re: Religious Fundamentalists vs. Conspiracy Theorists

Postby Caoimhin » Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:29 pm

At first I thought they were two sides of the same coin, equally aggravating. But after getting into a heated discussion with some nuts who keep claiming that the 9/11 attacks were planned by Israel and/or the Bush admin and other such nonsense, I'm going to have to revise my earlier belief and say that conspiracy theorists are harder to debate with than fundies. At least fundies, or those I've encountered, will occasionally admit that they might be wrong.
Pharmmajor, meet Glenn Beck... A being comprised of the sickest, cruelest, most sensationalist aspics of both. Remember, he's pushing the "Progressive Agenda" theory, and many fundamentalists such as those Teabaggers agree with his insane views.

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Re: Religious Fundamentalists vs. Conspiracy Theorists

Postby Tom_Radigan » Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:16 pm

At first I thought they were two sides of the same coin, equally aggravating. But after getting into a heated discussion with some nuts who keep claiming that the 9/11 attacks were planned by Israel and/or the Bush admin and other such nonsense, I'm going to have to revise my earlier belief and say that conspiracy theorists are harder to debate with than fundies. At least fundies, or those I've encountered, will occasionally admit that they might be wrong.
Pharmmajor, meet Glenn Beck... A being comprised of the sickest, cruelest, most sensationalist aspics of both. Remember, he's pushing the "Progressive Agenda" theory, and many fundamentalists such as those Teabaggers agree with his insane views.

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Re: Religious Fundamentalists vs. Conspiracy Theorists

Postby nickspoon » Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:36 pm

All the fuss about agendas confuses me! Surely it is a good thing, as a movement, to have an agenda?
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Re: Religious Fundamentalists vs. Conspiracy Theorists

Postby sad jazz cantaloupe » Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:24 am

who elects a politician that doesn't plan on doing anything?
Apologies to everyone. Except Fritz.
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Re: Religious Fundamentalists vs. Conspiracy Theorists

Postby Arloest » Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:12 am

I like how the word 'agenda' has come to be a dirty word.
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Re: Religious Fundamentalists vs. Conspiracy Theorists

Postby Liz » Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:14 am

Whoa whoa whoa. I need to go to urban dictionary and look up 'agenda' because I don't think I was around when that was established.

EDIT: I got nothing D:<

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