Post Your Dreams

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Re: Post Your Dreams

Postby MuffinSticks » Sat Oct 31, 2009 5:58 pm

I had an amazing dream last night. It was in three parts, each addressing one of the following aspects: Funny and awesome, gay, and furry. I will tell them in that order cuz I have no idea what order I dreamed them in.

In the first one, it was kind of like a saturday morning cartoon about a kid with a hideous monster blob thing for a friend. It was in third person and I was viewing all this like a ghost. The kid's mom was pissed at him about something and sentenced him to something like, "The black and white" or something along those lines, except probably a bit more catchy. It was basically that he was grounded, but his entire room and the hallway outside of it was painted in pure black and white stripes, no gray, so the only colors he ever saw were black and white. I'm pretty sure it was for a month or something. This obviously turned into a zany plan to break the kid out of his room and escape from the house. Somehow the monster blob friend thing hid a fullsized hummer in a potted plant and told the kid it was there. Don't remember the details, as I'm sure there were some. So the kid emptied the hummer out of the pot, and as the mom was freaking out and running after him, it instantaneously transformed into first person and the characters changed to being me as myself, my sister as herself, and our really annoying cat that our dad keeps letting into the house. The hummer was a monster truck now, with the bottom of door right above your head. We stepped into it somehow in a panic to get away and we drove off. I was driving and I was really really bad at it. The truck was magically down to the size of a normal car now, but only height-wise. It was still a fatass. The cat was in the passenger seat and my sister was in the seat behind me. The passenger door was open for some reason so I tried to close it, but the damn cat kept sticking its arm in the door so when I tried to close it it would just slam down on its arm. Stupid bitch. I got mad and gave up, and kept driving, occasionally running into someone lightly who would get pissed about the tiny scratch in their paint job, and I would laugh and drive away. Then we got on the highway for a while, and I pulled into some kind of commercial driveway. Don't remember what happened after that. I got out and did something. That's where it ends I think.

In the second part, I was at a playground and I was on one of the swings. This guy I recognize from being in my math class, but don't know or even like at all, came up and nervously asked me out but I was like "uhhh I caaaan't sooorryyyy x_x" while giving lots of excuses. Then he started getting all teary eyed and walked away and I was sad. That dream sucked.

In the third part, it was like in a warehouse or something and some guys were getting killed by wild animals, mainly wolves and foxes and bears. None of them were anthro, but it still felt pretty furry. It was in third person and I was all like "Go go, my animal friends!" It was very brutal. Then the camera view switched over to this fluffy little white fennex fox that was all gravely wounded and bloody and had blood coming out of his mouth and stuff and a bird that I think was a dove was kneeling and holding it in its wings. Arms? Mm. Well anyway, it was really sad and dramatic and the dove was giving this speech about its fallen comrade, while the fox was all gurgling and twitching and slowly dying. All the dove could say was "yip" so it was basically just saying yip hundreds of times in a way that sounded like a theatrical speech. During the whole speech the "camera" was dramatically floating over the fox's face while blood was draining out of its mouth and stuff, it was like a war movie. Then the dove said its most dramatic part of the speech, except it was in english, and it was something what/funny like "Rest now, cowardly little fox! For you have fought with strength and bravery! May you rest in peace!" As he said this, the fox was rapidly becoming more and more twitchy and pained, like he was right about to die, then the fox seized horribly as it drew its last breath. Then the dove cried as it mourned its passing ;_;

Then all was silent. And that's the end yay.

<Muninn> Too furry for saneville, too girly for boystown
see, how far raine dog got placed in the background? take that you blue bitch

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Re: Post Your Dreams

Postby likeafox » Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:32 am

I read it.

I wish I dreamed of driving a monster truck.

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Re: Post Your Dreams

Postby Angstwolf » Tue Nov 03, 2009 2:37 pm

(9:18:42 AM) tangywolf: so here is the dream:
(9:18:51 AM) tangywolf: i was at some athletics convention?
(9:18:56 AM) tangywolf: i have no idea why
(9:19:03 AM) tangywolf: but i was totally there of my own volition
(9:19:17 AM) tangywolf: and i ran into some kid who i went to high school with
(9:19:22 AM) tangywolf: his parents were with him
(9:19:27 AM) tangywolf: and they were literally giants
(9:19:33 AM) broseffritzl: hahah
(9:19:35 AM) tangywolf: his dad was like 7'6"
(9:19:42 AM) tangywolf: and his mom was maybe two inches shorter than that
(9:19:56 AM) tangywolf: his dad kept showing off and like... touching the ceiling and stuff
(9:20:01 AM) tangywolf: because he was SO PROUD of his height
(9:20:16 AM) tangywolf: but while i was talking to them i noticed that my cousin was there too
(9:20:20 AM) tangywolf: so i went over to talk to him
(9:20:46 AM) tangywolf: and he was like "LOOK WHAT I CAN DO" and climbed up this pole to shimmy along a wire
(9:20:54 AM) tangywolf: he got like 3/4 of the way across and then fell
(9:20:56 AM) tangywolf: directly
(9:20:57 AM) tangywolf: on his face
(9:21:10 AM) broseffritzl: D:::
(9:21:17 AM) tangywolf: i was freaking out because it made a really gross sound when he hit the hard-wood floor
(9:21:25 AM) tangywolf: so i ran over to him
(9:21:34 AM) tangywolf: and his parents (my aunt and uncle) ran to him as well
(9:21:50 AM) tangywolf: and also a medic or something
(9:22:03 AM) tangywolf: they figured out that he had broken his chin, and they carried him off for medical treatment
(9:22:29 AM) tangywolf: so then i started walking around the convention again
(9:22:44 AM) tangywolf: and there was a place where they were showing off new equipment for taking care of athletic fields
(9:23:17 AM) tangywolf: i was swinging my lanyard around as i was walking, and i accidentally let go of it
(9:23:30 AM) tangywolf: it went into this lawnmower that was sitting out
(9:23:37 AM) tangywolf: like... a big riding mower
(9:23:42 AM) tangywolf: the PRO kind
(9:23:45 AM) broseffritzl: oh no!
(9:24:01 AM) tangywolf: so i was like "uuuugh shit" and crawled inside the mower
(9:24:06 AM) tangywolf: under the seat but above the blades
(9:24:10 AM) broseffritzl: ahahaha
(9:24:24 AM) tangywolf: still close enough to the blades that if someone turned it on it'd CHOP ME TO BITS, though
(9:24:28 AM) tangywolf: and as i was inside
(9:24:38 AM) tangywolf: someone got on the mower and started driving it
(9:24:52 AM) tangywolf: i could tell he was driving it outside to DEMONSTRATE its mowing ability
(9:25:04 AM) broseffritzl: noooooooooooo
(9:25:15 AM) tangywolf: and i started freaking out and yelling "DON'T TURN ON THE BLADES OH GOD PLEASE DON'T TURN ON THE BLADES I'M INSIDE THE MOWER"
(9:25:37 AM) tangywolf: i managed to reach my hand out and hit the driver's foot, and he finally stopped
(9:25:49 AM) tangywolf: then he reached down and sorta dragged me out from inside the mower
(9:26:15 AM) broseffritzl: that was a close call
(9:26:22 AM) tangywolf: oh it still IS a close
(9:26:23 AM) tangywolf: call
(9:26:27 AM) tangywolf: there's a lot more
(9:26:28 AM) tangywolf: haha
(9:26:36 AM) tangywolf: alright, so the guy pulls me out
(9:26:44 AM) tangywolf: and i stand up and sit in the seat next to him
(9:26:53 AM) tangywolf: because for some reason it's like... a cushioned bench
(9:26:57 AM) tangywolf: instead of a normal seat on a mower
(9:27:09 AM) tangywolf: and he's like "BOY YOU COULDA BEEN KILLED"
(9:27:20 AM) tangywolf: i was like "yeah i know. thanks for your help."
(9:27:22 AM) tangywolf: then he like
(9:27:27 AM) tangywolf: starts fondling my crotch :|
(9:27:42 AM) broseffritzl: what :|
(9:27:49 AM) broseffritzl: I even whispered "what" to myself
(9:28:11 AM) tangywolf: haha
(9:28:20 AM) tangywolf: so i grabbed his arm
(9:28:24 AM) tangywolf: and pushed it away
(9:28:32 AM) tangywolf: and said "uh. i'm going to leave now."
(9:28:50 AM) tangywolf: he said "no you're not" and pulled out this really ornate pistol
(9:28:55 AM) tangywolf: it was BEAUTIFUL
(9:29:00 AM) tangywolf: and i think it was made of silver
(9:29:21 AM) tangywolf: because i was sitting right next to him, though, i just reached over and grabbed it out of his hand
(9:29:40 AM) tangywolf: then jumped off the mower and ran a little distance away, pointing the gun at the guy
(9:29:51 AM) tangywolf: he pulled out ANOTHER gun, so i just shot at him
(9:30:06 AM) tangywolf: the bullets fell really fast for some reason, so i had to aim way above him to hit him
(9:30:28 AM) tangywolf: i missed a bunch of times while he was loading the second gun, but just as he was about to shoot at me i actually hit him once
(9:30:36 AM) tangywolf: and as he recoiled in pain i kept shooting
(9:30:39 AM) tangywolf: hitting him a second time
(9:31:16 AM) tangywolf: i was pretty sure he was dead then, so i got in my car and started driving away (this bit happened in the parking lot, so my car was nearby)
(9:31:47 AM) tangywolf: once i was a few blocks away i stopped the car and called 911 to tell them that i'd just killed a dude in the parking lot at the athletics convention
(9:31:54 AM) tangywolf: and explained what had happened
(9:32:03 AM) tangywolf: they told me to just go home and that they'd be in contact or something like that
(9:32:30 AM) tangywolf: but on the way home i saw lang walking on a sidewalk, so i stopped to pick him up
(9:33:02 AM) tangywolf: i was still kinda frantic and adrenaline-filled from what had happened, so i was driving a little bit erratically
(9:33:10 AM) tangywolf: and there was snow and ice on the ground
(9:33:34 AM) tangywolf: at a stoplight i rear-ended the person in front of me because my car slid into them
(9:33:45 AM) tangywolf: so we both got out of our cars
(9:33:54 AM) tangywolf: the guy i hit was about my age and had two girls with him
(9:33:59 AM) tangywolf: and they were all really cool and friendly
(9:34:12 AM) tangywolf: i told them why i was freaking out and apologized for my reckless driving
(9:34:18 AM) tangywolf: and the guy was like "oh dude. it's cool."
(9:34:28 AM) tangywolf: then he sorta popped out some of the dents somehow?
(9:34:37 AM) tangywolf: the car didn't look perfect, but it looked decent
(9:34:54 AM) tangywolf: and it turned out the only damaged part was his trunk
(9:35:03 AM) tangywolf: i gave him my insurance info, and i guess that was the end of the dream v0v

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Re: Post Your Dreams

Postby Gecko » Tue Nov 03, 2009 3:47 pm

Sadly, in my half-delirious morning mood (as per usual), I've forgotten most of my dreams. The most notable thing about is that I can remember traces of several dreams I had, probably because the last one spontaneously turned into a lucid dream (I'm not doing any of the techniques to get one, hence why this was quite surprising).

It's surprisingly difficult to manipulate your surroundings in a lucid dream if you haven't had any practice with it.

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Re: Post Your Dreams

Postby Caoimhin » Wed Nov 04, 2009 3:27 pm

I had a dream last night that I've had once before... Except this time I was prepared in this one, it was as if it had happened before.
I'm not sure where it took place, but for some reason me and my scout troop were visiting a woman in a rather large victorian beach house. Like the ones you see down the shore in Jersey. She was probably in her mid to late fifties kinda small. But as we were leaving I noticed two brown shapes. The woman calmly said that they were grisly bears and that I should close the door and lock it. Well as I tried to do it I could hear the sound of two large things rushing toward the house and the two brown shapes had dissapeared.

Problem was I remembered this happening before, this time (due to maybe the last time) the door frame had an abnormally large space between it in the door, so when I turned the lock nothing happened except for the lock thing in the door sticking out. Then the bears rushed the door and we all were put under siege. By blocking the bears with chairs and large tables we were able to get to the next room... Like the one before it the doors could not be locked all the way, but at least they closed.

They were then in turn breached by the bears, it was then that I realized that the old woman and the two other scoutmasters had repeating crossbows and were hailing the bears with bolts as the rest of us fell back. We slowly made our way to the upper floor. Each room generally had two entrances so the whole house was interconnected. The tactics continued until the top floor where we separated, each going into a separate room and locking the door. I was in a bathroom with three scouts a few others hid in the many closets, everthing was interconnected so we could easily group up. The old woman came in and told me to open the hatch in the one closet, it led to the previous floor. But I could hear a bear coming up the stairs the hatch led too... I then woke up before it broke through...

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Re: Post Your Dreams

Postby Gecko » Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:18 pm

Had a dream, but I wrote it in my dream journal and don't have the patience to re-write it here. Hence, copy+paste. I didn't proofread it (due to still being barely capable of standing up from weakness, even if I'm doing better than last night), so do tell me if there are any mistakes.

~*~ 11/7/2009 ~*~
Was very sick last night. I guess that sort of illness-induced sleep-of-the-dead tends to result in some very powerful dreams. This one was incredibly terrifying at the end; up until then, it was simply exciting, dark, and interesting. For most of the dream, I appeared to skip around various scenes, though they all took place in the same 'world' (i.e. the scenes had continuity between them). The all-encompassing focal point of the dream was firing a gun, which kept happening in the most bizarre of ways. If I remember correctly, nearly all of the weapons were shaped like pistols (nearly all of those being shaped like Enforcers from UT'99). The curious thing about them (besides that they were almost never loaded with more than one bullet) was that they were muzzle-loaders. Clearly, my dreams don't waste time on factual accuracy with firearms. The other aspect of the pistols was how difficult they were to precisely aim; shots would leave the muzzle and before covering a single meter horizontally, would often move up or sideways by an entire meter.

Now, the other important part of the dream was that there was a distinct conflict between criminals and law enforcement. The only clear rememberance of criminals is where two of them were robbing a car I was in outside of my school and failed to do so. In a minute, they came back to the stationary car, killed the other guy in it (my employer/boss of some sort) and were attempting to kill me when I began fighting back; naturally, all of my loop-de-loop shots missed. I remember feeling distinctly afraid because one of them now had a gun pointed to my chest, and I was now basically unarmed. One of them then put my hands behind my back as if he was going to cuff me (though, what with them being petty criminals in my dream, that seems unlikely). This is where I began pleading (in an ever-so-slightly stereotypical gangsta' voice, I kid you not) for my life because of how well the three of us had taken down my boss's car (I'm fairly sure that THIS is the correct remembrance of what happened with the car. Can't explain why the earlier memory of it differs, probably just my mind filling in blanks as I try to remember details). They let me live and join them. Here, the one who previously had a gun tosses his partner one bullet then tosses one to me (for some reason, the memory of that is absurdly clear); he then hands us both guns (his partner's is black; mine is metallic gray). Here, we run off toward the intersection, where there are police coming or such; I'm fairly sure the scene ended here.

An interesting part of the dream that I can recall is that Casey Novak (from Law and Order: SVU -- I've been watching the show a lot, I assume that's why.) was constantly showing up, trying to hunt me down on my miscellaneous criminal activities and whatnot. At the very last scene, where a group (including me) was attempting to do something illegal that involved guns (vaaaagggguuuueeeee dream reasons are vaaaagggguuueeee), she kept coming with her own group to stop us. I kept encountering them and fending them off, possibly shooting a few (don't know how with those still-insane bullet trajectories). In the last attack, though, I was already out of ammunition; however, Casey's group came armed. So I disarmed one of them quickly and began shooting the rest. As I realized they weren't going down, one of them laughed that I thought the gun was real; here, I noticed it was merely a toy gun that make 'clack' sounds when the trigger was pressed. A group of policemen came from behind them, and I was being put under arrest. I tried to run, but quickly stopped because I was being run down; naturally, very Law & Order style, I was tackled to the ground and being cuffed there.

In this final little scene, as I talked with the policeman cuffing me (can't exactly remember what was said; me inquiring about something, him vaguely condescending; think Law & Order, I suppose), the focus in front of me became a sheet of paper (the rest of the scene disappearing) with things written on it ("Personal Pride" or somesuch being the only clear one; the others were some sort of accomplishments), all of which it felt like the policeman was physicall erasing with a stamp'ish tool. After erasing the pride one, he stamped something along the lines of "Personal Regret" at the top; I felt assured that I was going to spend the rest of my life in jail, and this is where the dream decided to be horrifically terrifying. I gained a sort of reverse-lucidity; as in, I realized that this ISN'T a dream though I'd thought it was (and no, it obviously hadn't been a lucid dream). Naturally, I was shitting my metaphorical dream pants with the realization that all my hopes and aspirations for what I wanted to do in life were gone, and all that remained as an option was suicide. I desperately closed my eyes, hoping I was wrong and it was just a dream, and I woke up. Ta-da.

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Re: Post Your Dreams

Postby Maggot Brain » Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:28 am

Okay, so I had an f'ing weird one the other night. I dreamed I was lying in my bed (which I was, but that's not the point) and that somebody was standing on me, holding a tambourine, and he kept saying "Justify it". Justify what? Justify you playing the tambourine? Justify you standing on me while I'm trying to sleep? I had no idea what was going on. This went on the entire time I was asleep, so yeah, it was about 6 hours of some tambourine guy standing on me and asking for justification of something undisclosed.

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Re: Post Your Dreams

Postby datherman » Thu Nov 12, 2009 6:16 am

I kept resetting my alarm clock this morning (woke up at 10:30, reset it to 12, woke up then and reset it to 1, hit Snooze until 1:30 when I finally got up), and each time I had some strange dreams. Only one I remember is when I was taking part in some mystery novel type adventure, and I was saddened when the alarm interrupted me from finding the crucial clue.

Eh, it's better than the last time this happened, in which my brain kept making up homework problems for me to solve, so every time I woke up I kept thinking "Oh jeez, I really need to solve that before I print off the lab report."
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Re: Post Your Dreams

Postby Maggot Brain » Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:49 am

Long one. It's got multiple parts, but it's all one continuous story. Here we go:

Part 1: I was planning on going to a car show with some friends (which I did IRL the next day), and they all drove, but I had to take the bus. Anyway, the bus driver turns out to be dead and apparently has driven me into the middle of the freakin' desert, with no civilization in sight. Anyway, I wander out of the bust and make off west. Eventually I see a city in the distance. I get to the city and it turns out there's this fat, bearded guy that wants to kill me. Why? I have no idea. He chases me all over the city with a machete, but I throw him off my trail by donning a cowboy hat and impersonating Ted Nugent. I continue to explore the city.

*I wake up and go pee*

Part 2: For some reason, I am a member of the Beatles now. I seem to have replaced George Harrison. We're recording some songs when I notice that Ringo doesn't seem to like me very much. He puts threatening notes in all my sack lunches and runs me out of the group. I guess he was jealous of my singing ability or something ('m actually a terrible singer, but I was good in the dream). I wander the streets more until I find myself a guitar shop. I set up a small, unseen home on the upper level that nobody ever goes to and live there for a while. Eventually I find my old chemistry teacher, Mrs. Briggs in the store screaming about something to the clerk. I think that maybe they can help me to get to the car show, so I jump down and they freak out and get scared. We get into a fight, but before it gets serious, I tell her my story. She tells me that she just passed my friends several moments ago and they were looking for me too! She gives me a ladder (don't ask, I don't know) to help me and points me in the direction of my lost comrades.

*Alarm goes off; I punch the stupid clock*

Part 3: I'm back in the desert once again, passing the bus that brought me in the first place. After what seemed like hours, a big jet airliner passes about 10 feet over my head. It lands, and my friends come out. Instead of taking the plane, however, we all decide to walk through miles and miles of white sand to get to the show. Later we get really worn out and buzzards surround us. We all fear for our lives, but before we go crazy from the heat and start resorting to cannibalism in order to survive, the buzzards push over the jet airliner and crushes us all to death.

The end.

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Re: Post Your Dreams

Postby Doc Sigma » Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:22 pm

I had that GOD DAMN ANNOYING DREAM THAT EVERYONE SEEMS TO HAVE, where you're back in school/college/etc and it's near the end of the semester and you haven't been going to class and you have no clue how you're going to pass the final exam. Seriously, I've talked to so many people about this dream... I think that EVERYONE has it.

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Re: Post Your Dreams

Postby Arloest » Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:31 pm

I had that GOD DAMN ANNOYING DREAM THAT EVERYONE SEEMS TO HAVE, where you're back in school/college/etc and it's near the end of the semester and you haven't been going to class and you have no clue how you're going to pass the final exam. Seriously, I've talked to so many people about this dream... I think that EVERYONE has it.
Who sleeps shall awake, greeting the shadows from the sun
Who sleeps shall awake, looking through the window of our lives
Waiting for the moment to arrive...
Show us the silence in the rise,
So that we may someday understand...

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Re: Post Your Dreams

Postby Tom_Radigan » Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:11 pm

I had that GOD DAMN ANNOYING DREAM THAT EVERYONE SEEMS TO HAVE, where you're back in school/college/etc and it's near the end of the semester and you haven't been going to class and you have no clue how you're going to pass the final exam. Seriously, I've talked to so many people about this dream... I think that EVERYONE has it.
Well, I admit I have. Honestly. :smile:

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