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Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:12 am
by Astro
This is about the extent of my ability to contribute:






Oh also you guys can do whatever you want with the mouse (=

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:14 am
by Comrade K
The 3rd is best.

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:49 am
by Liz
I laughed at all of them.

But... not for use IN small children?? D: That sounds painful.

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:04 am
by Caoimhin
I like the fourth one because of its use of a non-sequetir. However, the fifth one just is funny for reason. But I too laughed at all of them. I also remember the O&M videogame concept by BlueBlur (I think, what the hell ever happened to him?). I wasn't really sure about it though, despite what I may have said at the time (I don't think I said anything, but if I did it was the opinion of a fourteen year-old who was going through his first encounter with furs, so please I've formulated much more different opinions now and almost cringe when looking at my posts from that time... Actually I had heard the concept of a furry before then when I played D&D back when I was twelve or so... I just never thought anything of it).

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:16 am
by bad ass antelope
BlueBlur was a pretty cool guy, his AIM account is in his profile here

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:24 am
by Caoimhin
BlueBlur was a pretty cool guy, his AIM account is in his profile here
Yeah, I may have not liked the concept but I liked him. I also think I had him on my buddies list, I was also a member of his forum, one of the first members infact (Doog as well if I recall).

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:14 am
by bad ass antelope
mm, yeah I think he had access to part of the webserver even.

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 6:25 am
by datherman
Hm, videogame huh?

*quickly splices in the Marty emoticon to his maze game, doesn't bother to change the Zelda-themed graphics, and calls it a day*

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:36 pm
by Steve the Pocket
Ha ha, I remember that; who was it that did that?

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:15 am
by datherman
...that was me >_>

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:43 pm
by bad ass antelope
no, no, I remember it too. It was this really cool guy...?

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 5:36 pm
by Muninn
Then it can't have been Dan. >_>

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 6:05 pm
by Liz

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:17 pm
by sad jazz cantaloupe
I'm not a very good artist but this is my contribution :oops:


Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 3:03 am
by bad ass antelope
here's from the IRC
<Muninn> Tail not bushy enough
<Muninn> Chest fur not fluffy
<Muninn> Head badly proportioned
<Muninn> He's worse than Dana!
<Muninn> :P
<DrSticks> lol
<Muninn> sad jazz cantaloupe has potential