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Thursday, March 13, 2008 - Chatty gothy

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 1:40 am
by Zaaphod

Being, like, accepted is, like, hard work! :D

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 1:45 am
by Arloest
Is that Javs the deer?

Second post...

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 1:48 am
by Jedi Ozy
This is what bothers me. I clicked on the website, hit F5 to reload and it came to today's strip. I've been trying to get first on posting a new thread for this section, and for some reason, I lack the know-how on the HTML coding to get the strip image posted here. It makes me sad...

But to speak on the strip, again I feel sorry for Felicia. She's trying much too hard here. The one hope is that it appears as if the one Goth has a faint look of kindly welcome at first, and the eyes show no sign of displeasure. Either that, or just good at not showing any unwelcoming feelings towards Felicia, but asking the question of who she is. But she's gonna shoot herself down if she keeps up the rude response.

Re: Second post...

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 1:59 am
by datherman
This is what bothers me. I clicked on the website, hit F5 to reload and it came to today's strip. I've been trying to get first on posting a new thread for this section, and for some reason, I lack the know-how on the HTML coding to get the strip image posted here. It makes me sad...
Right-click the image, click Properties, copy the url to your clipboard (in this case it's and then simply paste it in the form here. If you want to make the image itself in the post rather than having users click on the link, highlight the url and click the "IMG" button above the text entry form here. This will wrap it with [ IMG ] tags to make it show up correctly.

I can definitely imagine the "WTF" looks on the others' faces here.

As a few afterthoughts...

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 2:09 am
by Jedi Ozy
And thank you, Dan, for helping me with that little trouble. I've tried ways before, but for some reason they didn't agree with me, getting the Img button involved help make things easier.

Felicia's suggestion about visiting the graveyard, classic among Goths as far as I know, I've done a few times myself during the night. When I lived in South Africa, it was told that the Xhosa locals had a superstitous fear of cemeteries, that they would not enter them at night.

Personally, I find nothing to fear about cemeteries, because I think of the majority of people who are buried there, most of them were probably good honest people in life and would have nothing vengeful towards the living, that's too much Dungeons & Dragons when it comes to the dead, or rather the undead that make up ghosts and spectres as monsters. But when it comes down to it, I feel serene at cemeteries, since I know most of the buried people were good in life.

As a Freemason, I enjoy finding the burial spots of those who were the same in life.

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 2:24 am
by Baconsticks
I Predict zany hijinks!

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 2:32 am
by Quexinos
I have a feeling that Felicia is going to end up with her old gang. Things always seem to come full circle in Ozy and Millie.
I clicked on the website, hit F5 to reload and it came to today's strip. I've been trying to get first on posting a new thread for this section, and for some reason, I lack the know-how on the HTML coding to get the strip image posted here. It makes me sad...
For what it's worth I never look at a new topic in this section and think "WOW that person who made that rocks =O!" (not saying they suck either XD)
so don't worry about it.

First to start the thread...

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 2:48 am
by Jedi Ozy
For what it's worth I never look at a new topic in this section and think "WOW that person who made that rocks =O!" (not saying they suck either XD)
so don't worry about it.
It's not a big deal to me, either. I wasn't concerned about getting any appraise for posting the first. I've just wanted to at least be first in a new thread in the Current Strips section, since they're very important to the forum. There's still plenty of others. And I hope we all get a chance to do a first posting here, to make it fair and kindly for all.

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 4:18 am
by Tabris_The_17th
I have a feeling that Felicia is going to end up with her old gang. Things always seem to come full circle in Ozy and Millie.

Re: First to start the thread...

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 4:22 am
by Quexinos
For what it's worth I never look at a new topic in this section and think "WOW that person who made that rocks =O!" (not saying they suck either XD)
so don't worry about it.
It's not a big deal to me, either. I wasn't concerned about getting any appraise for posting the first. I've just wanted to at least be first in a new thread in the Current Strips section, since they're very important to the forum. There's still plenty of others. And I hope we all get a chance to do a first posting here, to make it fair and kindly for all.
Well I've started my share so usually even if I do find it first (usually when it comes in at 2 in the morning cause no one else is crazy enough to be up then) I'll even wait a few hours before posting it.

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:24 am
by The Vanishing Hitchhiker
Well, to be fair, most of the goths I've known aren't all stereotypical moroseness, but were actually pretty fun froods. None of them were quite as...Felicia as Felicia, though..

With any luck, they'll mistake her attitude for some sort of eager nervousness. More likely though, they won't want some younger kid tagging around (you know, the way kids do), and may reject her on a basis that has nothing to do with her personality - which they may even attribute to her age. Of course, if Felicia thinks it was due to her personality...consequences ensue.

Or, they may get along gothily ever after, sacking Rome and whatnot. Maybe they're just as quasi-poser as Felicia. Or maybe they'll help her become a better person so she'd actually be nicer to Millie (that is, if she weren't hanging out with middle schoolers all the time).

Blah blah, rampant speculation, blah.

Re: First to start the thread...

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 11:02 am
by Svix
usually when it comes in at 2 in the morning cause no one else is crazy enough to be up then
'cept insomniacs who slept at 6:14am (ok, I was working) and 'foreigners'!

As for 'Raven Onyx Blackfeather Doom' - XD

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 11:40 am
by Chris
ROTFL, At Panel 3. Felicia speaks like an internet n00b. XD

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 11:46 am
by AvestheFox
She's quiet brave to approach a group like that, I myself would be too frightened to speak when it comes to trying to mingle in with large (or small) groups.

I do kind of feel sorry for her here. though the way the goth in the last panel is looking at her, it looks like a friendly glance.. but the glasses kind of hide any emotion from me, so its hard to tell.

Making friends at a coffee shop.... something I should look into doing sometimes

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 12:40 pm
by Trance
Well if Felicia's current mission in life is pain, then she's on the right track. I winced several times while reading her speech bubbles.