The artist's excuse - 24 Nov 2003

Discussion of any of the archived O&M comics, and potential new ones should they ever come about.


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Burning Sheep Productions
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Postby Burning Sheep Productions » Tue Nov 25, 2003 5:38 am

Oh, the cow thing.<br>I was just quoting someone but then changed my mind and put that in, so... yeah.<br>And it's the 25th over here! Weee!<br>Hey do you know that time is a really good metaphor for describing one dimention?<br>'Cause you can't go sideways in time, and if you could then you could move parts of time around and stuff, so, if you wanted to the WW2 again for your history exam you just gotta heave that bunch of stuff, get a helmet and enjoy the ride.<br>But of course people would notice you suddenly appearing and probably alot of other people would appear there too, and if they appear before they could change stuff so you were never born and they were never born and they turn into the matter used to make them, but that could change stuff as well and then it'd change again, infinately, or maybe just screw up the whole thing which seems likely.<br>And that'd sort of cause the universe to meltdown and time would go crazy and everything would be really unbalanced and then collapse on itself in the effort to stabelize, but time is involved and that could REALLY screw everything up, but then the definition of screwed up is a human term and probably isn't valid when you're talking about this stuff. So is time for that matter, wait, no I'm thinking of time measurements. Yeah, they say that humans are really smart because they can give things mearuements but that's ridiculous! You need more than just THAT to excel in stuff. Like burning things, sheep for instance. That'd be fun, and to do that you have to discover fire, how to control it, how to control/stall the sheep for a long enough time and how to defend yourself against its counterattacks. But it could be much simpler to simulate it on computer as a game or something. Hey why don't they make a computer to simulate the universe. I'm sure they know enough physics laws to do it. All they need to do is get an extremely good super computer and away you go! Next would be to transfer it as an image onto the internet and get heaps of money off videos probably sold to science teachers. I'd like that, just watching a simulated universe unfold with some nararator saying why stuff is happening and stuff. It'd save alot of work for the teacher, and mine needs that because she's really inexpirienced at teaching. She's a nice person, down to Earth and stuff but cracks it when she's teaching. But teaching is no easy task you know, there's just so much work involved I wasn't surprised there was going to be a teacher strike throughout the public schools of Victoria, but that was a while ago. And I think it happened in Japan around the same time for some reason, just a coinsidence I assume. I assume alot of things, and it's all based on probability, which is realated to maths. But really it should be a science or something because probability is based on atoms and where they are and which way they're going and where the electrons are and what it's charge is etc.<br><br>You know, I really like asparagus.
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Postby norsenerd » Tue Nov 25, 2003 6:18 am

Ok alot of stuff here<br><br>Tavis: I think your putting too meny restrictions on god. In some ways being god in your own comic is a pre-requasite. The diests bbelieve that god creatd the universe and set evrything in motion and sat back and enjoyies the show. Certantly comic artiists do more then that with their comics. They determine evrything about them. Just because one shows a reality that conformes to what we think is normal dosn't mean that he gave up controll. I think comic artists must be god in some way to their comics and to the characters in their comics even if the characters don't relize it. They owe their existance to the arthur and the arthor can chang anything in the comic if he has the will. Also on a side note comic artists can't do evrything they want but in several beleif systems (including my own) god can't either so there is still room for overlap.<br><br><br>BSP: where to start. where to start. The begining I supose.<br><br> How do you know that time is one-dimensonal? It looks that way to us but I'm not arogant enough to say that our way of looking at things is the only way or that it is even corect. You have presented some paradoxes to try and back up your clame but going sidways in time and going backwards are two seporate pronblems. In fact the paradoxes by going bakwards in a one dimensonal time frime can be solved by introdicing another time dimension that takes care of causality in the first. The natural order in such a sytem would be first look at your position in the second and then your position in the first. Events (like WWII) could hapen at one line with all the points having the same cordanate in the first dimension. Thus you could go bak in the first dimension if you go foward in the second as well and still araive at a later time although you would be going to a past event. There are also other ways of sovling these paradoxes with a strikly one dimensonal view of time. In fact acording to some therorys about the universe time travel is a real posability. <br><br> What level of simulating the universe do you mean? We have models that can tell us alot about the history presant and future of the universe. They are far from perfict but the scince has realy made ALOT of progress in the past 20 years. Teachers do use them in their clasrooms (but outdated I'm sure. they model has cahnged cosiderably earlier this year). The model telsl us about sitistical properties of the universe. Some more spacific models exist on a much smaller scale. The problem is ability. There is a new computer in Japan, the most powerfull computer in the world, who's sole responcability is to simulate the earth in 60 mi by 60 mi intervals. Thats the best we can do right now and that's diferent then the nuniverse. Also a problem with simulating the universe on such a scale is the fact we can't see it all. yeah<br><br> Also teaching is a tough gig. One that dosen't get a lot of respect in this county too. Respect your teachers! Where I lived for high school (Virginia) the state does not alow teacher trikes so the teaches union in my county did a "work to the rule thing" where they didn't do anythign that there contracts did not spacifily tell them to do. It failed. *sigh* but oh well.<br><br> Probability is math and probailty factors in alot to quantum mechanincs. I'm geting late and it's tired. I can berly get to write this wihtout horably messing up the typing so I might pick this up latter. But Probability is math and probailty factors in alot to quantum mechanincs.
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Postby Foxchild » Tue Nov 25, 2003 6:20 am

<!--QuoteBegin-likafox+ asking about a song--> <table border='0' align='center' width='95%' ><tr><td class='quotetop'><b>Quote:</b> (likafox @ asking about a song)</td></tr><tr><td class='quotebody'> What is "goo goo ga joob" from? I know it's in reference to something, but I can't put my finger on what.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table> <!--QuoteEEnd--><br>"I am the eggman, I am the walrus! goo goo ga joob!"<br><br>beatles song. Quite catchy, and really doesn't make a lick of sense, but there it is.
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Postby spamfish » Tue Nov 25, 2003 6:26 am

Goo Goo G'joob is from the Beatles song "I Am The Walrus", which for some reason is my favorite Beatles song of all time.<br><br>"I am the egg man. They are the egg men. I am the walrus! GOO GOO G'JOOB!"

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Postby MidnightRealism » Tue Nov 25, 2003 8:10 am

<!--QuoteBegin-norsenerd+Nov 25 2003, 01:18 AM--> <table border='0' align='center' width='95%' ><tr><td class='quotetop'><b>Quote:</b> (norsenerd @ Nov 25 2003, 01:18 AM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quotebody'> Also teaching is a tough gig. One that dosen't get a lot of respect in this county too. Respect your teachers! <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table> <!--QuoteEEnd--><br> Amen, brotha. <!--emo&:)--><img src=' ... /smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->

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Burning Sheep Productions
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Postby Burning Sheep Productions » Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:22 pm

Now you're talking my language Norsenerd!
Burning Sheep Productions

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