Aging charecters

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Postby Sabre » Fri Oct 10, 2003 11:54 pm

Ok, ya know how in peanuts.. the charecters never seem to age? or in calvin and hobbes, that kid has been like 8 for 10 years.<br><br>Looking at ozy and millie.. the charecters seem to age, so how do you think that will work? <br><br>Is ozy gonna grow facial hair and go to college?<br>Or do you think dave will keep them like they are for eternity?<br>Thoughts?

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Postby simon » Sat Oct 11, 2003 12:00 am

I think aging in cartoons is a bad idea. I don't think they've aged though, I think the style is just changing. And facial hair? Doesn't he already have facial fur? <!--emo&:P--><img src=' ... tongue.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tongue.gif' /><!--endemo-->


Postby Guest » Sat Oct 11, 2003 6:47 pm

Well Yea facial fur, lol but I agree with them not aging but just a style change.<br>though i do remember a reference to avery being 8 years old, and hes in the same grade as ozy, millie, stephan ect. then about 2 years later there was a reference to millie being 10.<br>sounds like they're aging no?<br><br>Ill look it up and post the facts. <!--emo&^_^--><img src=' ... /happy.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='happy.gif' /><!--endemo-->

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Postby Softpaw » Sat Oct 11, 2003 7:41 pm

This came up some time ago on the O&M Yahoo! group, and if I remember right, Rain said he changed the ages to match the new drawing style, although they probably wouldn't be aging much anymore. I'll try to find the exact message and post it here.


Postby Yurple » Mon Oct 13, 2003 1:05 pm

Julie Miyamoto has already been playing with that <a href='' target='_blank'>idea</a>. <!--emo&:P--><img src=' ... tongue.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tongue.gif' /><!--endemo-->


Postby caseyweederman » Mon Oct 13, 2003 10:14 pm

Yeah, Calvin's 6, in grade 1. He's never had a comic about his own birthday, only Susies, but he has been in several Christmas strips. I guess it's hard to come up with a new drawing style as the characters age, but it would indeed provide much more material.<br><br>And yes, next to O&M, C&H is my favorite comic.


Postby Magorien » Tue Oct 14, 2003 12:39 am

We know that they have aged, but the question then is will they continue to age? having them continue to age will definatly put a life span on the comic, much of the O&M humor wouldnt simply not work once they hit high school or collage, i think, *although i do seem to remeber ending the summer before sophmore year in a water balloon fight w/ my best friend* we also know that Rain likes to have O&M run somewhat w/ the seasons, doing the last day of fall leaf falling thing w/ lewllyn(sp?) or the many christmas comics, thanksgiving and the end/beginingof school/summer comics... will they contuinue as this age, simply going through the cycle of the year? or would they have flashbacks to a more sutiable age? i.e. them in collage rembering the "golden days of their youth"? as for me, i hope they stay this age, but in the end its up to Rain...<br>P.S. yes i know, horrible spelling, please take no offence...<br>edit: i dont remeber ever seeing a birthday comic, anybody else?

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Postby norsenerd » Tue Oct 14, 2003 2:54 pm

While I agree that personally I think aging the characters too much would harm the humor and loose what the comic is, I think it would be interesting to find out what eventually becomes of these characters. When they grow older to Ozy and Millie still talk on a regular basis, have they drifted apart and went their separate ways, or was the some falling out between them? What will happen with Llewellyn and Mrs. Mudd? What are Ozy's and Millie's jobs going to be? While these are interesting questions and can give David Craig Simpson a chance to tackle some of these issues I don't think that's what the strip is about. Personally I don't think they're aging much and I don't think we'll see any more aging in the near future.
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Postby Tavis » Tue Oct 14, 2003 5:17 pm

Say, here's an interesting notion pulled from the Simpson playbook (of Springfield fame)...<br><br>Such stories could be covered in a flash-forward, like the Simpson's eposode in which the fortune teller shows Lisa Simpson her future love, or that one where she becomes president. As a side note, it'd be interesting to see what would happen if Llewellyn were ever to actually <i>become</i> president someday, although it's probably a moot point since he's already head of state for one country.


Postby generic » Tue Oct 14, 2003 5:50 pm

I concur. Flash-forwards would be highly amusing/interesting. Well, all Ozy and Millie so far has been highly amusing, so I guess we can only leave such events to the master; Mr Simspon himself.<br><br>ps: In my current area of residing the time is 3:47am. I think i'll go to sleep now.


Postby caseyweederman » Wed Oct 15, 2003 12:00 am

Hm... Actually, in rebuttal to what one person said, of course there's humour in College and further on in life.<br>Examples: There was a comic I used to read called... Class Menagerie or something, about college life. Roomies (which turned into <a href='' target='_blank'>It's Walky!</a>), and also <a href='' target='_blank'>College Roomies From Hell</a>.<br>And then there's Dilbert which is humour in the workplace. Just a few examples about humour later in life.<br>So Ozy and Millie could age and face things later in life with the same sense of humour, both getting high-paying jobs, Jeremy working at McDonalds the rest of his life, Stephan building his own computer company... and everything. One good point is that there is always new material. Mr. Simpson would never run out of ideas (even though he probably wouldn't anyways)! There would always be more things that Ozy and Millie & crew could do as adults that they could never accomplish as children. I picture Millie taking over the world, dragging Ozy through everything and hiding behind him when things go wrong, but then getting tired of ruling the world and attempt a higher calling (such as travelling to mars in a ship made of cashews). Uh... enough randomness.

Kale T. Raptor

Postby Kale T. Raptor » Wed Oct 15, 2003 12:42 am

I imagine they will probably stay the age they are now. I honestly can't imagine it being any different; it would just seem weird. Despite the mention of their ages, the characters themselves don't seem to have really physically aged in the five years or so. However, it would be pretty cool to have some flash-forward strips, and caseyweederman had some good ideas on what it could be like. <br><br>(BTW, I'm new here.)

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Postby norsenerd » Wed Oct 15, 2003 1:01 am

I think if the characters from [/I]Ozy and Millie<i> were to age that it shouldn't be such a fantastical situation. Part of what makes </i>Ozy and Millie so good is that it tackles larger issues and does it with humor. It has touched such things as playground politics, the psyche of the different kinds of school children, and even problems such as single parents and missing fathers. If the characters were to age it should be done in a realalistic manner. Sure there's humor latter on in life but there is also drama. If the character were to age this could add a whole new dimension to the strip. Like the comic "For Better or For Worse."<br><br>My prediction is that David Craig Simpson is conferrable where he is in his comic. Unless he has a clear plan for the future I wouldnt expect to see them aging much.
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Postby LotharBot » Wed Oct 15, 2003 6:15 am

I think part of the point of having O&M so young -- just like Calvin, or Charlie Brown, or a lot of our other favorite cartoon characters -- is because the young can give such deep commentary on the world so simply.<br><br>If Millie makes certain comments, we find them hilarious -- but if she was twenty we'd find her shallow and foolish for making similar remarks, because the child's-eye-view of the world just wouldn't fit an adult character, and a child's-eye-view is really what makes the commentary in O&M work so well.


Postby Magorien » Thu Oct 16, 2003 6:12 am

there certainly *IS* a lot of humor in college, i WILL NOT dispute that<br>but O&M humor? <br>as LotharBot said "I think part of the point of having O&M so young...... is because the young can give such deep commentary on the world so simply." take the rerun of today for example, would millie be able to tell her mother about her skull full of rancid fish paste becasue of her veiws on bedtime were she in college? or much of the random childish humor that the characters pull off... how would Tim fit? one of tims greatest attributes is his completely untainted childlike air, hes between 2 and 4 *depending on what ur reading* and its obvious, i love him that way... or Avery and his quest for cool... how could that play off? and lets not forget Locke!! by the time the gang is in college Locke will have... well, whatever it is that happens to Locke when it comes time for him to "die" and millie, i return again to millie "that was physics, this is phylosophy" she replys to ozy after she says soemthing about hte stars *i believe* and ozy askes her about flushing a head of cabbage down the toilet... or the many MOOOMMM WHERES THE SUPER GLUE-- WAIT!! FORGET I SAID ANYTHING!! type strips... ones where shes pouring mountin dew on the carpet, drawing on walls and blaming it on her muse, spraying her mother w/ a hose to make her forget that she took some money, asking for 700 dollors of ice cream after becoming co-ruler of a country.. i could go on and on...course, theres one where ozy tells millie that ppl are gonna think she did a lot of drugs in college. i'm not saying that O&M woulnt work in college, theres TONS of stuff that they could do!! but for me at least, the real glory of O&M is in the fact that they are children... thats one of the things that makes it <i>really</i> funny... how many adults could go around w/ puppets of their president? who use "ahh mom the duck is on fire" as a ligitimate distraction? or give pantsless wedgies? if you know of any, please send them my love<br><br>(also please keep in mind that its past 12, ive had a long day, and havnt been getting much sleep... ignore my spelling and such, i noe theres a lot of mistakes...)<br>ps anyone noe how to work the quote thing?

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