Looks like DCS needs help again D:

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Postby The MAZZTer » Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:23 pm

I url encoded the @ and .



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Postby ThomasKDye » Thu Sep 27, 2007 7:00 pm

Having not received a response since then, I have sent off two more emails, one on September 20th and one on the 24th. Really, I only wish to make sure that my check wasn't lost in the mail. I don't mind the wait, especially given the amount of work involved when moving, but I do want to balance my finances at some point.
Danny S.
Just so you know, again, DCS has moved. It was a really long, involved and messy move that occurred between September 1 and 15, so it's possible it might have been lost in transition during the forwarding. I'm not saying that IS what happened, but I'll mention it to him.

The problem is that some people's DC names aren't the same as their email/snail mail addresses, so "Did you get something from a Danny S.?" may not be entirely helpful.

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Postby datherman » Thu Sep 27, 2007 11:13 pm

Yes, I know he moved, which is why I waited a few weeks after sending the money to attempt contact again, as I know how screwed up moving makes things. I'm not entirely sure how P.O. boxes handle changes of address, so perhaps it's sitting in the old one rather than being transfered to the new one or something.

I abbreviated my last name for the public forum post there; my full name is in the PM I sent him, the email I did manage to get through in August, and the return address label on the envelope, and it's a unique enough last name that it probably wouldn't matter if I accidentally wrote Danny instead of Daniel or vice versa.

Seems kinda ironic that his move is what prompted me to finally buy something in the first place, but it's the source of all this confusion, hehe. Ah well, we'll figure it out. Thanks for your help.

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Postby TyVulpine » Thu Sep 27, 2007 11:26 pm

Usually, you put in the change of address at the post office before you move, stating what date the change takes effect. (The post office has postcard forms that you fill and turn in)

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Postby AvestheFox » Thu Oct 18, 2007 9:31 pm

I'd buy a new strip...

however, I have insufficient funds...

-35.00 in the bank

bad rent situation -300 that hasnt came out yet...
4 unpayed loan
and 90 dollars owed towards medical bills

tell me that isn't bad....

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Postby The MAZZTer » Thu Oct 18, 2007 10:07 pm

You just need to learn how to budget. If it truly is impossible for you to pay then SOMEWHERE down the line you made the mistake of taking out a loan you couldn't pay for or signing a rental contract you couldn't support. That's one of the benefits of a budget... you see stuff like that coming. Of course if you lose a source of income it can change, but that's why you always keep a little emergency leeway in a bank account somewhere.

I myself only have a student loan, and I don't intend to take out any more loans. I don't charge more to a credit card than I can pay for, and I pay it all off so I don't have to worry about interest rates. When I get a car or a house, I'm going to look not to keep payments down, but to keep the times I'm going to pay them low, to minimize interest and the total I have to pay.

Now if I only had a friggin' job I could finalize a real budget, pay off my 10 year loan plan waaay sooner than 10 years, and consider such luxuries as my own transportation and accommodation.

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Postby AvestheFox » Thu Oct 18, 2007 10:20 pm

You just need to learn how to budget. If it truly is impossible for you to pay then SOMEWHERE down the line you made the mistake of taking out a loan you couldn't pay for or signing a rental contract you couldn't support. That's one of the benefits of a budget... you see stuff like that coming. Of course if you lose a source of income it can change, but that's why you always keep a little emergency leeway in a bank account somewhere.

I myself only have a student loan, and I don't intend to take out any more loans. I don't charge more to a credit card than I can pay for, and I pay it all off so I don't have to worry about interest rates. When I get a car or a house, I'm going to look not to keep payments down, but to keep the times I'm going to pay them low, to minimize interest and the total I have to pay.

Now if I only had a friggin' job I could finalize a real budget, pay off my 10 year loan plan waaay sooner than 10 years, and consider such luxuries as my own transportation and accommodation.
Point well taken

this is just a point in my life that I'm in deep need of a cleanup. all I can do at the moment is go with the flow and hope for the best.

Maybe keep seeking a second job.

anyway, we all end up here at some point in our lives 9_9 foolish and bad budgeting

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Postby dfeuer » Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:37 am

Meh, it's just not something I'd do. I hate asking anyone for money.
Artists have had patrons for centuries. And a street musician is not a beggar. And if you've ever looked at the non-profit world, it's all about begging for money, whether from supporters, the government, or people getting the services.

Edit: And as others have said, DCS wasn't even asking for donations. He just wanted people to buy stuff. It's advertising, or marketing, or something. Speaking of such things, I really need to get my O&M original framed.

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