House Rules - What Millie wants

The Ozy and Millie comic in color!
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Steve the Pocket
Joined:Wed May 19, 2004 10:04 pm

Postby Steve the Pocket » Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:33 pm

No... I used Paint Shop Pro and told it to Add Mask based on an inverted copy of the layer's Luminance and then hit the layer with a black Fill with the tolerance set at 100%. I always do this so I can paint the colors underneath the outlines, but it also lets me recolor the outlines if I ever want to.

But your solution is intriguing too. The only question is, how well does it hold up if there's another layer under the outlines?

Joined:Sun May 21, 2006 8:58 pm
Location:Eindhoven, Netherlands

Postby CodeCat » Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:01 pm

Yeah, I use PSP too.

What I know is that screen works like the opposite of multiply: it multiplies the inverse of the current layer with the inverse of the underlying layers, then inverts them all back again. (In mathematical terms: if multiply does x = a * b, then screen does x = 1 - (1-a) * (1-b) )

If that makes no sense, just think of screen as a version of multiply that makes things brighter instead of darker. Screening with black gives the colour you paint with, screening with white gives white.

I tried it out just to see what the result was:
Furries? Are they the nutters that pretend to be animals and draw humans that look like animals? Christ, I sink my head into my paws... -Rooster

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