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Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:12 pm
by Ibun
I've had four threads locked, but they all were not locked material.
This is probably true, but just because it does not start out that way does not mean it can't end that way. In your defense it wasn't all your fault, you were provoked; but you still took the bait.
At leas the ghost thread did stick to the topic longer than most threads on this site.
Going off topic has been a theme for this forum as long as I can remember.
Anyway for the artist part. You people who say I suck are just complete jerks. I have only been drawing for five months with out a computer or a graphic tablet.
Regardless of how long you have been drawing, your art is still subpar to anything I would consider remotely good. Does that mean you can't improve? No of course not; but for now your art is poorly drawn.
Now I wonder, did I really do something to deserve to be banned? I think not.
I would disagree there. You have chosen to engage yourself in numerous flame wars with Fritz and Muffin, among others. They are just as guilty as you; but that does not make you innocent by any means.
When I first got here I was probably the most civil here. Not using profanity or ripping on others posts. Surely I was more of an adult than most here.
Again I would completely disagree. Aside from a select few, the members here are generally level headed, albeit a bit off. Profanity has nothing to do with being civil or adult, either.
I noticed that the people who want me banned are the people who haven't even make an effort to get to know me. I myself had put aside differences with such people like Fritz or Ibun in order to try to get to know them better.
Your biggest problem is you take yourself far too seriously for this board. This is what causes you to get into fights all the time and ultimately gets people to dislike or, in the case of these idiots, "hate" you.

I personally don't think very much of you; but then I don't think much of several people here. Mostly the people that are harassing you. So perhaps you should rethink pointing a finger at me and making another enemy.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:33 pm
by Baconsticks

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:00 pm
by nickspoon
At the risk of being banned
I think it unlikely that you will actually be banned given the general tone of the thread.
Now I wonder, did I really do something to deserve to be banned?
No, which is why I cannot justify banning you except for reasons to do with, well, your own health. We should be above tormenting you.
Also I read some of the other post and they say that I have some psycological problems. I really don't.
I apologise, but that is how you come across.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:18 pm
by Dr. Dos
He's a really stupid 15 year old kid who's only getting worse and is now turning into a furry.
Most 15 year olds will probably act like this or act in a way to piss off most 16-25 youths who KNOW they're mature and act better than them. There are loads of other people who make their furriness much more explicit than what I've seen Segovia do.
Most 15 year olds are terrible and that's the point. Anami (the artist formerly known as Gecko) is 15. Just compare the two and you'll find Anami is well spoken, smart, worthwhile individual.

And I'd want to get banned people who act more furry than Segovia too. I didn't jump on the Segovia bandwagon just to have somebody to rail against. He fits the description of somebody I wouldn't want here.
His posts contribute nothing, but hideous art and he makes damn well sure we see every last bit of it.
The ghost topic at least had some discussion, simple as it was. It wasn't a topic that's been beaten to death so at least a few people got to say what they think and post arguements on why they believe or not.

Well it's not easy to defend the art so I don't post in his thread. Yeah, sorry. As for posting it all, or at least most, there's no rule against that and it's not something that goes against some rule of netiquette. To someone who says he only cares about the Anything forum Dos, you should find it easy to ignore his drawing topics.
The ghost topic did have some discussion. I even tried to be polite about it! I got in early and linked to a relevant site. Ghost stories are awesome, but as I said in the thread it's a suspension of disbelief thing. If you're going to start proclaiming that ghosts are real and that you've had experiences with them you're going to get called out.

I do prefer the Anything forum because it's always been the forum with the worthwhile threads. Ozy & Millie and Current Strips have generally been where the furrier members of the site posted threads about WHAT IF MUDD AND LLEWELLYN GOT MARRIED? or WILL OZY AND MILLIE DATE IN HIGH SCHOOL? TEE HEE, but Fanworks is borderline. I read fanworks because there are a few people who actually can draw. Over the years I've seen Foxchild, Ferret, Chris, Octan, and VenM2 or whatever gain the ability to put things on paper and not look bad.

Most of these guys began doing shoddy pictures in attempt of Simpson's style. I'm all for that. The problem comes when Segovia is making multiple threads, and posting dozens of pictures in just a few days. I hope Segovia does improve both for my sake and his.

(Netiquette is a really stupid word by the way.)
The entire chatroom can't stand him.
Well, there are degrees to that. The chatroom is where opinions are far more easily and quickly said without considering them. Still some people just don't care enough or outright aren't bothered. Though a lot are, perhaps not to the degree you are.
I made this thread in hopes that those who don't care will say "I really don't want him to have to be banned, but I won't miss him". Right now this poll is more even than I expected, but I suspect if I added a "don't care about this" option that would probably draw away from no votes.
You admins are forced to be dicks to good posters in the name of fairness rather than just realize that Segovia is the one who is ruining things. You know you hate him to.
Everyone does stuff once in a while people hate, or at least disapprove. It's easy to point out one cause of why people are acting the way they are when there are many. The same people, you have to admit, act the same way whenever they see someone who isn't at least a little like them. This goes for both sides. It's just that certain people are less inclined to step out of their way to understand.
DC doesn't need to be a hivemind and I'm fine with people generally making subpar threads and posting poor artwork. That's not going to make me want them banned. It's the sheer quantity of this that makes Segovia go beyond just being an annyoing kid.
The man has made more posts in like 4 months than I have in 5 years, his posting rate is only going up. He averages .7 posts per HOUR.
Quantity is certainly not quality obviously, but even so there's no rule on the forum about keeping to a limited ammount of posts, even if that's better. Post count isn't something to be taken seriously anyway - I know you don't take it seriously Dos.
You can't set a hard line saying X posts in Y time are too many, but it's easy to see he has crossed the line. Nobody making that many posts can be contributing much that is worthwhile. Honestly like half of his posts are just things in the forum games section. Even ignoring these posts there are still a massive number of them.
In the very likely chance you are not forcibly removed from the forum: I apologize on behalf of those who have taken your presence as an excuse to become hostile and flex their trolling muscles. Please do not make good on what seems to be a threat to make life difficult for all of us.
Just QFT.
This isn't a forum for assholes, we still have a growing fanbase and hopefully there's going to be many new members in the years to come.
Demographic shifts. DC is now a community of people who happened to like Ozy and Millie at one point. Standards are going to go up compared to 2003. Even if O&M was still going it's become apparent that the comic only plays a small role here. That's not to say we should immediately be hostile to anybody new, but we can afford to be picky.

(Clever way of avoiding the word filter by the way)

Also, when have any of said "gang" ever contributed anything to this forum? I can't recall a time.
Draw a picture of a cat with your eyes closed
What Happend when I was gone
Another one of Fritz's stupid polls about bathing
IRC advertisement

Concerning Segovia
My life is meaningless now
Compulsive Habits

Dr. Dos (as I suspect I'm in this group as well)
Japanese Ozy and Millie
Post in this thread (and I will attempt to write a limerick for you)
Movie night this friday
When was the last time we had a good thread here?
Post in this thread and I will post a picture of you
Poland Presents - Ozy and Millie

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:12 pm
by osprey
Well, there are certainly things that annoy me about Segovia and would make me want him banned, but there are things about many people here that would make me want them banned. He's not the only one partaking in these flamewars.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:26 pm
by Hyperion
Well, there are certainly things that annoy me about Segovia and would make me want him banned, but there are things about many people here that would make me want them banned. He's not the only one partaking in these flamewars.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:30 pm
by Baconsticks
I'm just concerned that no action whatsoever is going to come out of this.

Banning or not, there's still a problem to address, and I sure we don't want to just sit on our hands again.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:33 pm
by Tom Flapwell
Banning Johnathan is like giving Millie detention for hitting Jeremy after he pushed her in the mud repeatedly.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:47 pm
by Arloest
This thread has a lot of tl;dr posts that I don't care enough about to peruse, but it can all be summed up with this:

Segovia won't and shouldn't be banned.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:56 pm
by Dr. Sticks
Segovia won't and shouldn't be banned.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 11:03 pm
by Liz
Banning Segovia would be shoving the issue under the rug, and that's something pansies would do.

I haven't been around a lot for much of the drama, but from what I read, I haven't found any real legitimate reason for him to be banned.

Most of the members that have picked fights with this boy are older than he is and are supposed to be mature. I don't think he's entirely innocent, but the older members should have the sense to not berate him.

Annoyance can be cured either by directing the issue in a proper manner, or by simply ignoring/tolerating it. Preferably the former since the latter doesn't solve anything really.

He should be allowed to stay, but to know when he's stepping over the line through either a PM or by simply saying it, not FLAMING it. In turn, he shouldn't respond defensively or in an aggravated manner, but in a calm way.
Although, I admit, that's hard to interpret over the internet.


EDIT: I censored myself. lulz.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 11:46 pm
by Æron
I voted no, banning Segovia is not justifiable. Most of the problems caused by his presence here have been exacerbated by those who take it upon themselves to troll him because they've noticed his volatile, young-teenager personality, thus making him a ripe target for their prodding. The mods should really start being a little tougher on these things, though I know that it's hard because they may be friends with some of the people responsible. But there really is no excuse not to, especially when said individuals openly announce in IRC their next trolling attempt.

And to Segovia/Caveman/Roger, you need to start recognizing when the "pet trolls" of this board are targeting you, and stop responding to their attempts completely. Even acknowledging them with a "It doesn't bother me" response is gratifying their attempts. Just don't respond, don't even make a post.

edit: gorramit, baloki :lol:

edit2: (obligatory) c-c-c-c-c-combo breaker?

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 12:10 am
by MuffinSticks
Sorry, I'm not dedicated enough to read past the first page, but I don't like to be considered part of the hardcore trolling group. I believe I troll in moderation.

Edit- Okay I read it.
Concerning Segovia
My life is meaningless now
Compulsive Habits
Haha, 3, yesss.
...If you consider "concerning segovia" contribution.
That was half bandwagon trolling.

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 12:22 am
by Ibun
I love you Snowy.

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 12:25 am
by likeafox
The issue of Segovia for me is superceded by the issue of staunch lack of tolerance shown by some people on this forum. I disagree with Octan and others that Segovia is the problem because I don't think either issue is dependant upon the other. They are hardly even related. Since many people have been getting these two mixed up, I'll outline them:

1) Segovia. He is his own problem.
2) There are assholes on the forum.

There. It's pretty obvious that most people here find Segovia annoying in more ways than one. What certainly isn't so obvious to some people is how to not exacerbate the problem. Proactive concepts-- like not replying to threads you would normally pass off as not-worth-your-time instead of wasting everybody's time and starting pointless controversy-- don't seem to register. If everyone stopped replying to the annoying posts, or even offered constructive criticism, Segovia might clue in to what is acceptible and what is not (Oh and don't tell me having poor art skills is unacceptible. It seems like everyone has forgotten what a supportive community DC was for just-starting-out artists 5 years ago.). On the other hand, tactics like Fritz's (which I have banned Fritz again for btw) do little to foreward causes such as concerning Segovia for the simple reasons that people become sypathetic towards whoever he's being an asshole to, and all it serves is to complicate a once-simple issue, and make everyone weary from drama; consequently, nothing is solved.

What I find absolutely repulsive about Fritz is that rather than starting a real discussion about it, just ignoring Segovia, or even, y'know, getting bored after a few scathing comments, it's always "Hey let's spend hours upon hours tormenting Segovia in hopes that he'll have a mental breakdown and become an hero!" It's sadistic, and it's pathetic.