tention between South and nord korea grows

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tention between South and nord korea grows

Postby Jakkal » Wed Nov 11, 2009 10:28 am

Seoul, Nov 11 (AFP) South Korea's military was on alert today for any retaliatory moves after a North Korean patrol boat was set ablaze in a naval clash, as Washington warned Pyongyang against escalating tensions.

Defence Minister Kim Tae-Young ordered army, navy and air force commanders in charge of border areas to step up surveillance and respond immediately to any provocation, a spokesman for Seoul's Joint Chiefs of Staff said.

Yesterday's clash near the disputed Yellow Sea border raised tensions just over a week before US President Barack Obama arrives in Seoul as part of an Asian tour.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs called on the North to avoid any further actions "that could be seen as an escalation".

But Washington also announced it was accepting an invitation to send an envoy to Pyongyang to try to bring the communist state back to nuclear disarmament talks.
seems that it'S getting hot out there. What happend to Kim Il-sung anyways?

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Re: tention between South and nord korea grows

Postby Cactus Jack » Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:09 am

He isn't getting enough attention/free stuff from wealthier countries.

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Re: tention between South and nord korea grows

Postby Maggot Brain » Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:22 am

North Korea is such an attention whore.

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Re: tention between South and nord korea grows

Postby cougartiger » Tue Nov 24, 2009 4:43 am

North Korea is such an attention whore.
Don't you mean Nord Korea? :wink:
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Re: tention between South and nord korea grows

Postby Baconsticks » Thu Nov 26, 2009 5:20 am

Oh, so we think North Korea's a threat now? lol. A nation of starving people and forced labor camps isn't going to do anything. The only reason that we (America) hasn't bombed North Korea of the face of the planet is because we want to look a little less militaristic than we really are. (Like that's saying much, lol terrorism)

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Re: tention between South and nord korea grows

Postby Foxchild » Fri Nov 27, 2009 3:43 pm

Oh, so we think North Korea's a threat now? lol. A nation of starving people and forced labor camps isn't going to do anything. The only reason that we (America) hasn't bombed North Korea of the face of the planet is because we want to look a little less militaristic than we really are. (Like that's saying much, lol terrorism)
Y'know, those 3 nuclear tests, 2 of which were successful, they've performed mean nothing. Nothing at all. They're not trying to threaten the south. No, no, no. Why would we think that? Seriously, they'll never actually USE the nukes they're building and testing. Never! Oh, and those missile tests don't mean anything, either. Despite the fact that the missiles themselves are nuclear capable. But nah, those tests failed, so they wouldn't research and determine the point of failure and fix it for another test or actual fire. Oh, and the promise to aim a missile at Hawaii on the Fourth of July? It was all in good fun, you know! Jolly good fun, they knew no one would take a missile launch towards the USA, flying over Japan, seriously!
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Re: tention between South and nord korea grows

Postby Cactus Jack » Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:46 pm

Oh, so we think North Korea's a threat now? lol. A nation of starving people and forced labor camps isn't going to do anything. The only reason that we (America) hasn't bombed North Korea of the face of the planet is because we want to look a little less militaristic than we really are. (Like that's saying much, lol terrorism)

Its not like a couple of our allies would be within North Korea's bombing radiance or anything. A couple of allie's that are sort of important to us and don't have a very good history with North Korea. Nope, nothing like that.

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Re: tention between South and nord korea grows

Postby Arloest » Sat Nov 28, 2009 9:14 pm

Oh, so we think North Korea's a threat now? lol. A nation of starving people and forced labor camps isn't going to do anything. The only reason that we (America) hasn't bombed North Korea of the face of the planet is because we want to look a little less militaristic than we really are. (Like that's saying much, lol terrorism)
NOPE, it's not like North Korea is actually serious about hating the West or anything. It's not like they're spending pretty much everything they have on a military/nuclear program to try to pose a threat. They're just messing around! Oh, that crazy Kim Jong-il! Nope, nothing to worry about.
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Re: tention between South and nord korea grows

Postby MuffinSticks » Sat Nov 28, 2009 9:40 pm

I agree. Silly asians.

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Re: tention between South and nord korea grows

Postby Æron » Sat Nov 28, 2009 10:54 pm

Bacon has a point. North Korea isn't really a significant threat to the US, though it is a threat to South Korea and to a lesser extent, Japan. (South Korea they could actually invade with their sheer military might, Japan they may only be able to lob missiles at.) Sure, they might be able to cause us a hell of a lot of pain if they managed to successfully lob a nuke our way: it would be painful for us, but would be suicidefor them. They surely have the survival instinct to know that an unprovoked attack would be the quickest way to have the wrath of most of the militaries of the western world descend upon them.

I feel that North Korea's weapons development is much more defensive in nature: to make themselves spiny and unpalatable for the US & Co., who would rather love nothing more than to take their despicable regime out. We're a lot less likely to take a bite of that now that it's got stingers.

/layman's analysis

... I mean, evil! terrorists! they'll lob a nuke at us any day! pantless pinko liberals won't let us just nuke 'em first!
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Re: tention between South and nord korea grows

Postby Arloest » Sun Nov 29, 2009 4:23 am

I just wanted to keep the sarcasm train rolling.
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Re: tention between South and nord korea grows

Postby Doc Sigma » Mon Nov 30, 2009 2:37 pm

I just wanted to keep the MANTRAIN rolling.

Cactus Jack
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Re: tention between South and nord korea grows

Postby Cactus Jack » Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:05 am

Bacon has a point. North Korea isn't really a significant threat to the US, though it is a threat to South Korea and to a lesser extent, Japan. (South Korea they could actually invade with their sheer military might, Japan they may only be able to lob missiles at.) Sure, they might be able to cause us a hell of a lot of pain if they managed to successfully lob a nuke our way: it would be painful for us, but would be suicidefor them. They surely have the survival instinct to know that an unprovoked attack would be the quickest way to have the wrath of most of the militaries of the western world descend upon them.

I feel that North Korea's weapons development is much more defensive in nature: to make themselves spiny and unpalatable for the US & Co., who would rather love nothing more than to take their despicable regime out. We're a lot less likely to take a bite of that now that it's got stingers.

/layman's analysis

... I mean, evil! terrorists! they'll lob a nuke at us any day! pantless pinko liberals won't let us just nuke 'em first!

That argument works with pretty much any other country. North Korea is run by a nut who treats his nation like a cult. If he wanted to go on a suicide attak the citizens wouldn't resist because he has the propganda in place to convince them its the way to go.

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Re: tention between South and nord korea grows

Postby Baconsticks » Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:03 am

Oh, so we think North Korea's a threat now? lol. A nation of starving people and forced labor camps isn't going to do anything. The only reason that we (America) hasn't bombed North Korea of the face of the planet is because we want to look a little less militaristic than we really are. (Like that's saying much, lol terrorism)
Y'know, those 3 nuclear tests, 2 of which were successful, they've performed mean nothing. Nothing at all. They're not trying to threaten the south. No, no, no. Why would we think that? Seriously, they'll never actually USE the nukes they're building and testing. Never! Oh, and those missile tests don't mean anything, either. Despite the fact that the missiles themselves are nuclear capable. But nah, those tests failed, so they wouldn't research and determine the point of failure and fix it for another test or actual fire. Oh, and the promise to aim a missile at Hawaii on the Fourth of July? It was all in good fun, you know! Jolly good fun, they knew no one would take a missile launch towards the USA, flying over Japan, seriously!
Sending nuclear tipped rockets to hawaii? If you don't consider the very limited and early stage of development in NK's nuclear program; NK's crumbling military which is only backed by an even worse off "economy", Our comparatively advanced ability to no only detect any launch, but to actively counter those threats (aka shooting them down, we have lasers mounted to 747's for this exact purpose), not to mention the whole idea behind Mutually assured destruction, and the fact that Most of the world is united on their stance against NK, (*breathe in*) Then YES, North Korea is a theat to us.

Let's however, assume you're right, and that North Korea is something to give more than two shits about. What would the rest of the world do about this? Can we talk to Kim Jong Ill, and see if he can reduce his weapons program? Can we convince him and the rest of his nation to relax on their tensions with the south, so that the entire world is safer? No. NK is a isolated little country that's locked in it's own little world.

That leaves us with one choice; the one you're technically auguring for when you call NK a threat: War. War would be awful for many reasons, but let's start with the humane part. I think that in the case of any armed conflict with NK, Seoul is somehow getting destroyed. That's already a massive loss of life right there. Japan is going too. Perhaps Parts of Russia and China as well. However, once the smoke cleared, it wouldn't be too hard for america to crush what remains of NK. That's where the second part of this comes in: It would be prohibitively expensive for any country to occupy North Korea. NK is willing to send it's rabble of weak, starving, civilian, but very dedicated army to attack any foreign troops. You think one roadside bomb every other week in Iraq is bad? Try dealing with 10+ a day. Pretty soon, casualties would mount, and Here in America that war would get very unpopular, very fast. Plus, we would waste enormous amounts of money on maintaining this occupation. Do you think our economy can take that hit with the shape it's in now? Don't get me wrong though, if the world was (Much) simpler, then we would bomb the shit out of that nation tonight. But the world doesn't work like that.

Point is, the mold currently growing behind my toilet is more threatening to America than North Korea. However, I agree that while it's not a threat, it can become one soon. I think we could solve that if we started being more decisive and absolute in our communications with NK. (I don't mean "Decisive" here, keep that in mind.) That way, Kim and his starving people will know that we mean more than just some random sanctions tossed around the UN headquarters.

That's just my 2 cents though. Whatever.

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Re: tention between South and nord korea grows

Postby Baconsticks » Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:10 am

This also deserves a separate post:


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