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Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 2:17 am
by Tavis
ha ha<br><br>With midterms being fresh on the minds of students, this seemed as good a time as any to post this little poll. Go ahead and have fun with it; you won't be graded wrong on this question.

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 2:19 am
by Msj
I don't always like taking tests or exams, especially if it's something hard <!--emo&;)--><img src=' ... s/wink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif' /><!--endemo--> I'll be taking the ACT this saturday (my birthday) and the SAT the week after. Ai yai <!--emo&:(--><img src=' ... ns/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo-->

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 2:33 am
by norsenerd
Being on It's Academic for four years, I've learned how to take tests. Some of you will have no idea what I'm talking about but ... whatever.

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 2:36 am
by Msj
Please explain?

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 2:38 am
by norsenerd
I've already done enoguh today. I'll explain tomarow.

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 5:41 am
by Foxchild
Sorry, I had to answer choice 5... I take each test as it comes... while i may love my math exams, business ethics, ugh!<br>oh, and I believe "It's academic" is a school club that usually comprises of more nerdy(usually, not always. I can say this because I went to some meetings of 'the academic team' my freshman year, and yes I am a nerd, that is NOT a bad thing) students. The objective is to gain a general knowledge of the world, sometimes diving deeply into different genres. After practicing and learning for a little while, there are competitions between schools to see whose students can answer more questions correctly. I didn't stick it through that far, I was far to much of an introvert then. I belive this usually involves a buzzer, much like many game shows.<br><br>Come to think of it, isn't there a gameshow that spun off from that? If i'm completely wrong, just hit me across the head, that generally works. oh, and please forgive my spelling, I'm sure it's horrid right now. I don't even know why I'm up this late.

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 5:45 am
by LotharBot
Bring on the tests!<br><br>Oh, wait, I'm the one who gets to grade them. With the delta-epsilon proofs, even... oh no! If you think *taking* a calculus test is bad, imagine what it's like for me, having to try to figure out what the heck you *meant* by what you wrote...

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 6:16 am
by Foxchild
um... yeah, you should see my handwritting, as well as my organization 'skills'. I'm just gonna leave it at that... although I could bring up the black hole that lives in my backpack...

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 4:57 pm
by norsenerd
Once again: LotharBot You are the man.<br><br>It's Academic: It is a school club. I went to high school in the Washington area (The city NOT the state). It is done throughout Washington, Maryland, and Virginia and other places (I'm not sure exactly how far it extends). The competitions usually consist of two teems of four. The reader asks questions and each team has a chance to buzz in and give one answer. Also there usually are sections where only one of the teams gets to answer. There are various invariants on the rules (too many to name without getting bogged down). When I have more time I'll write down some of them. There is a T.V. tournament across Md, Va, and DC. This consists of three teems of three competing against each other. I was in IA for all four years of high school, was a starter on varsity (T.V. teem) for two and captain for one (should have been two *is bitter*).<br><br>The point though is that practicing for these competitions has given me skills useful to taking tests. I have fast recall and good self-confidence. I can also see the nature of some of the questions and get at little tricks to get the answer better then others. The tests I'm taking now are mostly take home and have lots of proofs so these skills don't help me much anymore but I've prided myself at being a good test taker (there defiantly are skills there).<br><br>Also appreciate the people taking and grading the tests. It's harder to do that then to take them.<br><br>P.S. I am proud to say I am a nerd. Also: <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Nerds Rock</span>

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 1:18 am
by Foxchild
sooo.... i was exactly right! sweet!

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 5:54 am
by Katala
I don't *usually* mind tests...I just wish my hand didn't have to hurt so much after writing two-hour essay finals... <br><br>On the other hand, rutabegas are much cooler. So you know where my vote went.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 6:08 am
by MidnightRealism
Nifty. My high school has, or at least had, an Academic Team. It was sort of like a more pathetic version of "It's Academic!" (which, by the by, totally rocks. Anyone who's on that is a total genius). Anyway, the Frederick County Academic Team Grand Kung-Fu Deathmatch involves a bunch of schools getting together and laughing at my school. Our unofficial team motto was "We put the 'ick' in Frederick." I don't know if it was that we were stupid or the other people were smart...but describing "competitions" as routs is pretty much dead on. I think we might have been replaced by the new public school that was just opened recently. No great loss. <!--emo&:rolleyes:--><img src=' ... lleyes.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='rolleyes.gif' /><!--endemo--> <br>Oh, and tests are pretty bad, but ultimately, <a href='' target='_blank'>who cares</a>?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 6:40 am
by LotharBot
Grading went well... only took 5 hours this time, and the professor bought us dinner so we could eat while we graded. It's much better for the students when the graders have food (read: are happy) than when they're hungry (read: not happy, and likely to take it out on whoever messed up their delta-epsilon argument.)

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 4:07 pm
by Foxchild
<!--QuoteBegin--> <table border='0' align='center' width='95%' ><tr><td class='quotetop'><b>Quote:</b> </td></tr><tr><td class='quotebody'> My high school has, or at least had, an Academic Team. It was sort of like a more pathetic version of "It's Academic!" (which, by the by, totally rocks. Anyone who's on that is a total genius). <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table> <!--QuoteEEnd--><br>Yeah, that sums it up... the 'academic team', hoo-boy <!--emo&:lol:--><img src=' ... /laugh.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='laugh.gif' /><!--endemo--> memories.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 5:21 pm
by norsenerd
Only those of you in the D.C. area will get this but my best memory from It's Academic came from my sophomore year when at the state science bowl tournament we beet Thomas Jefferson (A science and math magnet school) 64-4. Granted it was low scoring but for both sides. That year we finished third in the state and got our first trophy in 30 years. We werent all that hot either. Junior year we went 3-17 or something like that. My senior year we were close to .500 but not quite (we had a few close ones. If some of those had gone our way we would have been above .500)<br><br>It also doesn't help being in the toughest district in the state (mose basic state division us and 6 other schools).