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Tom Flapwell
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Postby Tom Flapwell » Sun Apr 01, 2007 1:54 am

It's hard for me to imagine Octan as a die-hard conservative. But then, four years ago, it was hard to imagine me getting baptized a Catholic.

I will say that it wasn't the conservative politics and incest alone that made me feel physically ill for days when I read "Better Days"; it was the naked racism and pedophilia. Curiously, I did check back on it from time to time, partly because people kept mentioning it and partly because I liked the drawing style. (The fact that they aged five years in less than five years made it stand out a little, too.) Nevertheless, until recently, I cringed every time someone said "Better Days" and almost every time someone mentioned Jay Naylor. Now I put up with the talk, but I refuse to give it another chance, even if my politics change.

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Postby Tabris_The_17th » Sun Apr 01, 2007 1:57 am

As to Naylor, as much as I hate to admit it Tabris does have a point. In fact, when I first discovered "Ozy and Millie," I was a die-hard conservative and Bush supporter myself. (And potentially a rather obnoxious one, if anyone had ever bothered to talk politics with me.) But I was open to listening to others' views. I treated "Ozy and Millie" the way Tabris treats "Better Days," and the result was that I ended up agreeing with a lot of what D.C. had to say. If it weren't for me having that attitude at the time, I might have never changed.

Plus, D.C. himself taught that it's wrong to act like everyone who doesn't agree with you politically is a bad person, even if you are right.
Yeah, I like how you put that. Only difference here is that I wont be sliding over to Jay Naylor's views anytime soon. Just enjoying his awesome art ^-^
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Postby Tabris_The_17th » Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:13 am

I will say that it wasn't the conservative politics and incest alone that made me feel physically ill for days when I read "Better Days"; it was the naked racism and pedophilia.
Sorry, I really don't want to sound like the Jay Naylor poster-boy here, but I feel that's a unfair statement. While those elements have been used within stories (most specifically this one: http://www.jaynaylor.com/betterdays/arc ... index.html), they've been just that: elements to drive the story. The comic is focusing on how these things can damage and shape the development of a child. It's a shocking story, but not one glorifying racism or pedophilia. If a comic like THAT exists, I sure don't want to know about it. Naylor seems to approach his stories from a more physchological point of view. That I find interesting.

Don't get me wrong, if you don't like the strip then you don't like the strip. That's cool ^-^ I was just a little bothered by the vagueness of your comment there. People could get the wrong impression towards the comic, you know?
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Postby Rooster » Sun Apr 01, 2007 12:59 pm

Never said I didn't read Better Days, I just don't like the stuff he puts in it now and then.

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Tom Flapwell
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Postby Tom Flapwell » Sun Apr 01, 2007 3:20 pm

No, Tabris, I'm not talking about the characters' racism but the cartoonist's. The hyenas clearly represent African-Americans, and the several that I've seen were all reprehensible. As for the pedophilia, I've seen enough of his porn to presume that he likes it as well.

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Postby osprey » Mon Apr 02, 2007 12:45 am

No, Tabris, I'm not talking about the characters' racism but the cartoonist's. The hyenas clearly represent African-Americans, and the several that I've seen were all reprehensible. As for the pedophilia, I've seen enough of his porn to presume that he likes it as well.
Like I said. Jay Naylor sucks.
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Postby Tabris_The_17th » Mon Apr 02, 2007 2:17 am

No, Tabris, I'm not talking about the characters' racism but the cartoonist's. The hyenas clearly represent African-Americans, and the several that I've seen were all reprehensible. As for the pedophilia, I've seen enough of his porn to presume that he likes it as well.
I can certainly see your point towards the hyenas. I was kind of troubled by this as well when I first encountered them within the comics. However, the most recent story shows Nikki return in a much more positive light. She's become a well ajusted and well educated woman.....although now that I think of it, one could make the argument that he presents her in this light through a flashback that notes she was taken away from her abusive father and put with foster parents, who appear to be the animals that represent the white race (http://www.jaynaylor.com/betterdays/arc ... eco_6.html). That might be reading way too much into it though. I'm really not sure what to think. But you do make a good (and sad) point there Tom.

As for the second thing, I don't recall ever hearing about his porn works containing anything relating to pedophilia. That one's new to me. Do you remember what they were or anything?
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Postby Tom Flapwell » Mon Apr 02, 2007 3:17 pm

I saw several drawings in the Velar Archive of ten-year-old Fitz, including one in which he's in the bathtub getting his lowers scrubbed by his mom. (Sheesh, he wasn't too young for independent bathing!) After that one, my freak show fascination quit on me.

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Postby Dragon-Dancer » Mon Apr 02, 2007 3:22 pm

Heh, that's fair too, but his comic is still awesome. :3
Not really. If this is the same comic I'm thinking of, then the incest really jarring. Not to mention the political agenda.

EDIT: Oh man, how could I forget the worst part of the comic? Drama drama drama drama drama. That just kills it.
Actually the drama is part of what makes it awesome. It's not a funny comic most of the time but it does have a solid character driven story. Some of you people seem to be reading more into this than you need to be and no his adult work has nothing pedo about it, teens yes no kiddies.

His other comic "New Worlds" is awesome too though it would be nice if it updated more often. Mostly I got into his work because of how nicely it was drawn but really the stories keep me. In any case, last word from me on this... back to the topic at hand.

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