New Burton flick coming out

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Doctor Fred
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Postby Doctor Fred » Fri Dec 12, 2003 3:57 am

Tim Burton's tenth film will be released this month, and, as a Burton fanatic, I am counting the days until the release of "Big Fish." For those of you who have not yet heard about it, Big Fish is about a terminally ill man who tells his son of all the tall tales he encountered in his life. This results in him narrating a two-hour flashback as his younger self is portrayed by Ewen McGreggor.<br><br>Who else on this board is looking forward to it as much as I am? What'er your thoughts? Talk to me! This is a message boards for cripes sake, that's what it's for!<br><br>Oh, and for you sickos for whom sex, sex, sex is the only thing that matters in a movie, Big Fish does feature a naked Danny DeVito.<br><br><span style='color:white'><span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>400th post... Boo ya!</span></span>
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Postby Foxchild » Fri Dec 12, 2003 8:38 am

yay cheese!<br>alright, maybe its the time that affecting my judgment, but i had to answer that.<br><br>That "Big Fish" movie does seem appealing, although a naked danny devito just isn't my thing... actually, i prefer a movie to have PLOT instead of mindless nudity for the sake of nudity. Who here has seen the movie "Supernova"? "hey, were going to warp! lets get naked and talk into cheap microphones so no-one can understand us!"<br><br>from the preview I saw of Big Fish, however, it seems like that could be a good movie, however if theres amindless sex scene in that movie as well, i'm just going to sit and wait for the return of the king and hope for the best.
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Postby tree193 » Fri Dec 12, 2003 9:55 am

I voted for the cheese too, I must say. A naked Danny DiVito doesn't do it for me. What if a movie has a great plot AND mindless nudity? What's wrong with that? Is it even possible?<br><br>

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Postby norsenerd » Fri Dec 12, 2003 1:53 pm

Yes. Yes it is.
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Doctor Fred
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Postby Doctor Fred » Fri Dec 12, 2003 10:38 pm

I was kidding. I'm pretty sure we won't see any of Dany DeVito's goody bag. And I'm quite certain that whatever reason he's naked in the film for, it's not for sexual purposes.
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