When bad things happen - 15 Nov 2003

Discussion of any of the archived O&M comics, and potential new ones should they ever come about.


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Postby Tavis » Sun Nov 16, 2003 3:07 am

<a href='http://www.ozyandmillie.org/2003/om20031115.html' target='_blank'>When bad things happen</a><br><br>"Okay, here's a topic: Are people evil, misguided, or what?" - Millie<br><br>One of the things that makes Ozy and Millie like so many classic comics that remain so embedded in our culture is the tendency to philosophize and to do so eloquently. This is probably one of the best ways people can use up their time without it feeling wasted. It is those words that make you think that tend to be the ones that stick with you, except for those that sound really catchy. The difference is the philosophical words are usually less irritating than catch phrases after a while.<br><br>(Sorry I posted so late.. I was attending my brother's best friend's second son's Christening and subsequent reception/Mediterranean buffet. Hard to get online early when things like that happen.)

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Postby Foxchild » Sun Nov 16, 2003 7:56 am

i remember many debates on this in my philosophy class, and one in a cross country team bus... but besides that no-one ever seemed to want to talk about that topic.<br><br><br>What i think about this topic is that its a mix of the two... through dishamony, there is a struggle between good and evil, in whatever form that may take. Through the stuggle of good and evil, disharmony is present and therefor part of the. solution would be to repair the harmony.<br><br>just my thoughts after having been up for many many hours, and an all night lan party the night before. See current sig... it explains my state of mind while typing this.
If you've done things right, people won't be sure if you've done anything at all.

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